You're welcome, I really appreciate the feedback, it makes the dash even better π And thanks for the donation 😉Β
- Dashboard:
- Hopefully fixed dash freezing inbetween sessions, caused by division by zero when [MaxFuel] is zero for a brief moment. This has all ready been fixed in the latest version on SimHub, preventing these kind of calculations from killing the dashboard - however, you should now not be getting errors in your log anymore.
- Minor cosmetic tweaks
- Property plugin:
- Added an icon for putting the plugin on the left-hand side of SimHub window
Hei Dahl I have problems to run the dashboard. Its says "work on progress". I updated the romainrobs plugin and the simhub to the latest version. Also i downloaded the latest .dll and dashboard file from your link, but no either. Can you check it? to confirm if it is my problem or not
thank you!
Strange that you get this problem all of a sudden. The screen you're seeing is the "LEDWarnings" screen, which is indeed work in progress. It is going to be a screen showing what the warning LEDs on my DDU means. As of the latest few updates, there is no way to access this screen, as it has visibility binding to the property [DahlDesign.LEDWarnings], which is always "False". The screen is at the top layer, just below the idle screen. The only cause for this problem is that you dont have this property in SimHub, because of an old version of the plugin. Try and search for it.
Tell me if you actually already have it and it says "False". In that case I'll have to do some more research. If you dont have the property, that's the issue. Try to exit SimHub, delete the .dll file in SimHub folder, download newest version and start up SimHub. Also, you dont need Romains plugin for my dash/plugin to work π
ok the reason it wasnt working was becouse like you say, Dahl, the plugin wasnt activated. So extrange, maybe i was playing with the new feature you added, the one to show a icon in the menu and i left deactivated. I feel dum XD. Sorry for that.
I misunderstood the part in the manual when you say the two plugins romainrobs and yours overlaps. I thought that i needed the two updated for your dash to work properly
anyway thank you very much like always for your help. The dash works perfectly!
I'll add a new screen in the next update that will tell you to make sure the plugin is active and correctly installed, instead of "work in progress".Β
That point might be easy to misunderstand. Im just explaining why many properties in my plugin are the same as in Romain's plugin; to make my dashboad able to work without his plugin😊
Hi m8 i just wanna to say i was looking for a complete Dashboard and this is absolutly Perfect! everything is inside this Dash!
love it!
10 out of 10!!!
I wad only wondering i just wanna try to make your dash! It looks amazing tho! I found the files but not exactly where you buyed your LED 🤨 or maby i look wrong hehe i just want to have everything to make the dash incl. LEDΒ
@r3fl3xspray You'll find gerber files, pick&place and BOM in the drive folder. Upload to, miminum boards is 5, minimum with LEDs assembled is 2. Still not very expensive. Get 1.6 mm board thickness.
- Dashboard:
- Added a screen telling you to download latest version of the plugin
- Added Porsche 911 GT3 R
- Property plugin:
- Fixed a freezing problem caused by trying to access iRacing telemetry that werent there for some cars.
- Added property "DahlDesign.Version"
- Added Porsche 911 GT3 R
- Started implementing support for "Dahl Design Controller":
- Work in progress, intended to become an arduino system where you flash your 32U4-based arduino (Pro Micro, Leonardo, etc.) from Arduino IDE.
- It should include easy-to-use fuctions to support all your steering wheel inputs with tons of features:
- Great debounce for all switches
- 4-bit encoder support
- Based on wiring everything (except analog axis) in matrix, including 2/4-bit encoders and funky switches, allowing for silly amounts of inputs on a single Pro Micro board.
- Quick mode switch for buttons/toggles/rotaries
- Buttons switch between being momentary/latching
- Toggles switch between being toggle/pulse
- 2-bit encoders switching between being incremental and pseudo-12-position +/- simultaneous incremental
- 4-bit encoders switching between being incremental, true 16-position and pseudo-12/24-position +/- simultaneous incremental
- Support for dual clutches and bite point
- Support for external ADC over SPI
- Support for "Neutral" button
- Support for 7-position switches (funky switch)
- And more..
- It should include easy-to-use fuctions to support all your steering wheel inputs with tons of features:
- The plugin support for this system is fetching the mode of the buttons and pushing it as a property, allowing you to see on your display what mode your switches are in.
- Work in progress, intended to become an arduino system where you flash your 32U4-based arduino (Pro Micro, Leonardo, etc.) from Arduino IDE.
- LED plugin:
- Radio transmit animation no longer clears the rev lights.
- Added Porsche 911 GT3 R
@andreasdahl hmm where can i find that 1.5.0 because when i go to your map versions its not there?
and what is the easy way to update it can find that thoo or i mist it...
@r3fl3xspray Added folders with the latest versions. However, the files in the main folder will always be the latest ones. So whenever there is an update, replace both the .dll files and the dashboard file.
- Dashboard:
- Added support for Dahl Design Controller (DDC) firmware controllers, fetching bite point and clutch value, added support for the rotary menu system.
- Added an info segment that shows what +/-/OK commands in pit menus will do. Only compatible with a DDS-switch (DDC controller).
- Added a new delta screen, based on new properties calculation fuel/lap deltas relative to a set target. Toggle to it with PitMenu11+OK.
- Minor cosmetic adjustments
- Property plugin:
- Fixed a problem causing races with an opponent with a surname shorter than 3 letters to throw errors in the log.Β
- Moved pit screen from PitMenu12+OK to PitMenu5+OK. Previously, both PitMenu4+OK and PitMenu5+OK was for toggeling fuel on/off. Now only PitMenu4+OK does that.
- The property "FuelSaveDelta" changed from boolean to integer. It is now a counter from 0 - 2, indicating which delta graphic to be shown in the delta-slot in the upper right corner. PitMenu11+OK to scroll through.
The new fuel target delta screen is on FuelSaveDelta = 2. - Added a "MISC" tab, currently only allowing to set a target fuel/lap. Compared to the fuel/lap offset-system, this will allow for a completely static target fuel/lap which is the base for:
- Property "FuelPerLapTargetLastLapDelta": Delta to fuel per lap target on the previous lap. Negtive value means saving fuel compared to target
- Property "FuelPerLapTarget": Reflects the values typed in the plugin menu
- Property "LapXFuelTargetDelta" for previous 8 laps
- Property "FuelTargetDeltaCumulative" which adds up all stint laps fuel target delta. Reset on new stint.
- Added the option to snapshot the average fuel/lap (and offset if that has been adjusted) to use as fuel/lap target. This is on PitMenu12+OK.
- Added DDC support:
- Added a tab in the plugin menu, "DDC", where you can enter the name of the controller using DDC sketch, making contact between the plugin and the controller. Info from controller presented in following properties:
- DDCbrake
- DDCthrottle
- DDCclutch
- DDCclutchMode
- DDCbitPoint
- DDCbiteSetting
- DDCneutralActive
- DDCneutralMode
- DDCEnabled
- DDCDDSEnabled
- DDCclutchEnabled
- DDCPreset
- DDCmodeB(1-11)
- DDCmodeE(1-5)
- Added a tab in the plugin menu, "DDC", where you can enter the name of the controller using DDC sketch, making contact between the plugin and the controller. Info from controller presented in following properties:
- Added DDC support:
- LED plugin:
- Added animations to DDC bite point setting
- Added animations to DDC neutral button
Hi there,Β
really love the Dashboard. But I have a few problems.
I cant access the Pit Screen, PitScreen Button, PitMenu11 + OK(like in the manual) and PitMenu5 + OK.
Maybe I am just to dumb to get it to work