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Dahl Design

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@johnjackknife Great 😀

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  •  Plugin:
    • Added the option to replace the RPM bar with LEDs in the plugin menu. These LEDs are driven by the LED plugin, and are the same as the rev-lights on the Dahl Design DDU.
    • Changed and added to the DDC properties
    • Added  specific properties for SW1 firmware
  • Dashboard:
    • Fixed some UI bugs related to bite point in launch screens
    • Added optional LEDs instead of RPM bar

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I do have an issue.

I did install from ALL *.DLL files, as requested .. but Im still having this issue. 

should I make something different? 

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@cabralada Try the latest version, make sure to download the .dlls as well as the dashboard.

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Major update.

Since last, the plugin source code is available on GitHub. I'm going to move the manual in the drive folder over to the GitHub wiki, so I will not be updating the manual any longer.


  • Added support for Supercars Ford and Holden
    • Including bite point and throttle values for launch at all gear ratios, thanks Darryn Lobb for this!
    • The gear display has ARB lever graphics, these can be moved around to match the ARB levers on your rig with some options in the plugin menu
  • Added a wheel slip effect, based on the slip effect from ShakeIT plugin, cleaned up a little with some filtering. To make this work, you need an active instance of wheel slip effect on the ShakeIT page, and check "export as property". Name the property "WheelSlip". You also have to check a box in the plugin menu.
    • Properties called DahlDesign.SlipLF, DahlDesignSlipRF, etc.
    • Mostly intended for LED animations
  • Added an option to adjust the remaining laps of a timed session by the time spent on the next planned pitstop. This must be checked in the plugin menu. If checked, it will subtract the time estimated for next pit stop based on which services you have selected. If no services are selected, no subtraction is made. Thanks RetoK!
  • Added a property "ApproximateCalculations" which is TRUE if fuel and lap calculations are based on thin data. Thanks RetoK!
  • Added properties on "Lucky Dog" for oval racing. Properties called DahlDesign.LuckyDogName, Gap, RealGap (properly measured gap, as opposed to the SimHub native estimated gap) and PositionsAhead. Thanks Vegard Nerland!
  • Added an option to turn off the lap recap screen that pops up for 2 seconds when you start a new lap.
  • Adjusted bite point values for Porsche 911 Cup Car (992), thanks Darryn again!
  • Added the option to manually set the amout of increment/decrement of fuel/lap offset. Thanks Thormeister!
  • Added the option to make RPM bar go orange when it is time to shift. This is affected by the "Reaction Time" setting in the plugin menu. Thanks Thormeister!


  • Added a new system for storing record laps. Made to facilitate a new lap delta timing system, as well as storing only lap times for valid laps (and not for joker laps in RX), as opposed to the PersistantTrackerPlugin. The lap times are stored in a .csv file in SimHub folder called "DahlDesignLapRecords.csv", it will be automatically generated on first lap timing. Lap records here can be looked up, edited and shared between computers and others. One line in the CSV file is one lap record. It shows the track name and car model, and then the lap record in milliseconds. After that comes 121 values which are used for delta calculation.


  • Added a new lap delta system. It checks your lap time at 120 points over the course of a lap, and stores these timings on last lap, session best lap and lap record.
  • The changes in delta is also recorded, and posted as a property which is a string containing 20 values, showing the change in delta over 20 mini-sectors. 
  • Properties called:
    • DahlDesign.LapRecord
    • DahlDesign.DeltaLastLap
    • DahlDesign.DeltaSessionBest
    • DahlDesign.DeltaLapRecord
    • DahlDesign.DeltaLastLapChange
    • DahlDesign.DeltaSessionBestChange
    • DahlDesign.DeltaLapRecordChange



  • Added Supercars
  • Added elements for Supercar in launchscreen
  • Minor bug tweaks
  • Added to and reworked the delta box in top left corner. It now has 5 screens to swap between. Swapping with PitMenu11+"OK", or by mapping buttons specific to this screen in the plugin settings.
    • The new delta screens are: Last Lap, Session Best, Lap Record. 
    • The fuel save and fuel target screens were there from before, no changes
    • The new delta screens are based on the fresh lap delta system. Also showing the changes in delta through the lap, showing where you can and lose time. When starting a new lap, the values from the previous lap will still show, and you overwrite these as you go. A gray field will show what is new and what is old values.
  • The "STRAT" symbol in the bottom right corner (Pit menu  12) will have RED color of calculations on fuel/strategy/laps remaning is based on thin amounts of data, and shoulnt be completely trusted. It will be YELLOW as before when you've gathered some good data (consistent laps).
  • Added full support for the SW1 steering wheel

LED plugin:

  • Added TC, ABS and wheel slip animations to SW1 steering wheel
  • Added wheel slip animations to DahlDesignDDU
  • Added animations for Supercars. 

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  • Added button to activate the shift timing assistant in all types of sessions (purple and green lines on the RPM bar). 

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@andreasdahl Amazing, thanks so much!




I loved the video you did of a walk though of the dash with the SW1.   I dont have an SW1, but I do have a wheel with 2x 12-position MPS (Fanatec Podium Endurance), as well as some up/down/ok toggles. I do have a funky switch 

What wasn't clear to me is how to use the In-Car adjustments.

When I have my left MPS set to pit menu, and right set for the in car, the lines at the bottom scroll across as expected, and I can make changes to the various pit values as described in the manual (when in car is set to 'Pit' as decribed).

How then do I make changes to the options controlled by In-Car (brake bias, ABS, map, TC, etc)?   The up/down/ok don't seem to have an effect (even on cars that support it).

This post was modified 2 years ago by mcowger

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I see you've done a lot of research on this, and you've done everything correct. While the pit menu works right out of the box (based on writing text macros for you and controlling systems that are native to the plugin), the In-Car menu line only serves as a visual feedback on the key bindings you make in iRacing. And there is no way for the plugin to know your key bindings, so for the supported cars you can look at it as a suggestion. If you map your incar adjustments like they are set up in the dash, they will match. 

Iracing supports multi-key bindings. To set engine map to rotaty position 4, you rotate the switch to 4 (if it is in pos 4 when you engage the binding you'll have to rotate back and forth to register the 4th position) and press your + key, then rotate it out of position and back to combine with - button for the increment.


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Aha that makes sense.  

I think if I set my In-Car Rotary to “Constant” (it’s currently just on pulse) and follow what you said that might work.  

Thanks so much. 

Semi related: one of my “things” is great documentation, and having the manual is what drew me towards your dash.  The manual is a little out of date, and missing a few things.  

Would you be open to my taking what’s existing, converting to a GitHub wiki and sending you a PR (along with expanding some of the explanations)?

This post was modified 2 years ago by mcowger

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Thats would have been epic, 100% epic! I know the manual is outdated and missing quite a few things now. It is just too much work updating the .pdf for every new adjustment. Having it in the repo would make it so much easier!

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Roger that!  I’ll get started. 

also your suggestion of using multi-key binding worked perfectly, and I’m now able to fully control everything just the way I want!


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@mcowger Brilliant!

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1.8.0 (Pull request from @mcowger)

Last update post in this forum. The dashboard and manual will be moved from drive folder to GitHub. The property plugin + LED plugin .dlls as well as the .js file will be available on the properties GitHub page.  

Check on the right side of the page to find the latest release.

Moving everything to GitHub will improve the workflow a lot. 



  • Added the option to change the size of the small and large fuel adjustment steps in the plugin menu.
  • Added properties to reflect the value of these step
  • Minor bug fixes


  • Changed some UI using these new properies. 

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@andreasdahl - just created an account to say "Thank you" for publishing your work on GitHub!

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@gerald Thank you for the contribution 😀

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