Some other Question i have. Is it somehow possible to get the complete Route like a real NAvigation System?
Its working on my pc but how do i open the map on my phone?
please help
i am having the same problem. all works fine when loading on pc web browser.
but nothing on mobile devices.
any help would be greatly appreciated
If it works in your browser, then you should open the default simhub dash page on your tablet, and modify the url path (so after the :8888 part) to: maps / maps / map-fh .html for me, it means: http: // / maps / map-fh .html without spaces
For me, it starts to track me, when i unpause the game.
The zoom was too big for me, and i could change the amount of the autozoom in the following way:
1.: edit this html file
2.: search for: SpeedZoom
3.: reduce the '7' numbers to a smaller (i'm using it at 5) at both places (so 2 total places)
4.: save the file
5.: reload the webpage
@vgarcia007 How did you get it to work? it says removed link. im experiencing the same problem. the map dosent move if i drive
Make Sure You Download The Latest Simhub: 9.4.8 tested!
Download Original Files :
Just copy the zip files in the TruckMaps folder to the Program Files (x86)\Simhub\TruckMaps folder, and copy the html file in the Web\Maps folder into the Simhub\Web\Maps folder.
You can either open the webpage directly by going to http://:8888/maps/map-fh.html, /a> or, using the new WebPlugin/ServerBaseUrl property in simhub, use a web page view element on your dash to display it.
Like the Authur Says.
But Now You Need To Edit File map-fh.html
Find lines 625 to 628
Replace This Code
if (data.gameRunning) { var coords = data.newData.carCoordinates; var rot = data.newData.orientationYaw; var speed = data.newData.speedKmh;
With This Code
if (data.GameRunning) { var coords = data.NewData.CarCoordinates; var rot = data.NewData.OrientationYaw; var speed = data.NewData.SpeedKmh;
You Can Change The Zoom Like Ironpowered Said
Cntrl+F Search for SpeedZoom In The Html
Reduce the '7' numbers to a smaller (i'm using it at 5) at both places (so 2 total places)
save the file..
Right To Get Mobile Working
Create A Dashboard With Website Item
Where it Says Website Start address Dont Write anything in the textbox..
instead Click The FX Icon
Add This Code [WebPlugin.ServerBaseUrl] + 'maps/map-fh.html'
To it and press Ok 🙂 Should Now Work!
Hello, I would like to set up the map at SimHub for Horizon 5.
I entered everything as it has been explained very well several times.
When I start the game the dashboard opens automatically.
Unfortunately I only have a black screen with the Layers button. When I click there something opens, but no menu.
Can you help me?
I copied the TruckMaps folder and the Web folder in the SimHub directory.
I also adjusted lines 625-628 and 693-695 in the WEB-FH file as described.
I also used the maps / map-fh.html command in werb WebUI via the fx function.
I use the latest SimHub version.
When I start the game I can read the telemetry data in the SimHub. So the interface should work.
Thanks in advance