Buenas,tengo un problema de slow car ahead 0 que no logro quitarlo por mas que borre simhub o descargue de nuevo el dashboard... No logro quitarlo necesito ayuda. Aprovecho para decirle tambien si podria hacer una con la bandera Argentina. Muchas gracias y es un gran dashboard no utilizo otro.
i see deploy mode working for GTP. i do not see it available for W13. should it work on the W13?
Is It possible to copy the "slow car ahead" message to the Romainrob's universal dashboard? What steps should i take?
@selectyoung I have an issue where there is this yellow banner for Slow car ahead: 0 m that is on top of the overlay the entire time. Any thoughts on how I can resolve it?
@selectyoung hello and thank you for the dash! I’m especially happy with the radar function! But recently it stopped working properly. It seems it’s either fully on or fully off, so in doesn’t show how far alongside a car is anymore.
I made a test dash to see what was going on and the radaritem seems to be broken in my simhub, it shows all the cars ontop of each other (all bunched together). That explains the on-off issue, there’s allways cars beside so when the “car-left” or “car-right” gets triggered it jumps on.
Do you (or anyone here) have any idea how to fix this issue?
@midnight823 this either means the plugin is not installed correctly or the download got corrupted
@semirounddoor67 hmmmm i have been ill recently but i will see if there is something wrong and there will be an update to see if i can fix
@lucasfreire sorry for the late reply, you would have to copy the slow car widget in the editor from 1 dash to the next, and it should work
I have deleted and reinstalled the dash and now it’s working again. And that also fixed the radar function of the test dash that I had made… Very weird.
Hi Selectyoung,
Cheers for the SimHub plugins and Dash. Im new to the SimHub scene, enjoy it more than other apps.
Question: Is it possible yet to grab some Rain Forecast data from iRacing? Meaning like say 1 hour ahead forecast? Or the forecast itself from iracing to add to the dash??
Is there going to be an update to add the Ferrari 499P?
Any chance of adding the Ferrari GTP mate? The dash works but no hybrid display