Hi, everyone
I designed and made a new dashboard and route advisor, which supports ETS2 and ATS. Welcome to download and try it.
It is based on simhub. Please install simhub software before use.
download link:
Dashboard: ETS2/ATS Dashboard
Route advisor: ETS2/ATS Route advisor
In addition, since the official ETS2 and ATS route advisor maps of simhub are relatively old, they are not compatible with the new remake version. I used open source tools to rescan and export the latest maps, which support ETS2 V1.52 and V1.53-openbeta, ATS V1.52 (excluding Arkansas, because I don’t have the money to buy this DLC ^^!!, and this state has very little content, it’s not cost-effective). Welcome to download. After downloading the map package, please refer to the readme file in the compressed package. The file is in Chinese, please translate it yourself.
Because there are map differences between ETS2 V1.52 and V1.53-openbeta, you need to choose to download different map versions when choosing different versions of the game.
ATS 1.52 Route advisor map: ATS 1.52 Route advisor map
ETS 1.52 Route advisor map: ETS2 1.52 Route advisor map
ETS 1.53-openbeta Route advisor map: ETS2 1.53-openbeta Route advisor map
Thank you for the great work on updating this map. I have two questions:
- The city names inside the map have Chinese characters behind them. Any way to remove those or change them to English?
- I have all DLC. Mind letting me know how to generate an updated map for ATS v1.53?
For ATS, the cruise control reflects KM/H (the speed comes though accurately) Aslo the fuel will read '306%' I'm assuming because this is reflecting liters instead of gallons. Any quick fix to this?
Value is fixed to KM/H. I wanted to help you out and change it. But the dash is protected for editing. Hope the dash creator Oliver can help you out.
I think the fuel is set to percent, not computed percent. Had the same issue with my farming dash. By changing Liters/Gallons.
Unfortunately i cant edit it for you
Does this route advisor show route to follow or just truck position and a map around it?