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@fred Hi,
This a known issue.
The class filter won't work with AI cars, as these have no class name in the data.

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@romainrob Thx for your answer. I try in online session and all is ok,  but there is a difference with the value game (delta -33.5)  and the value in the dashboard (delta -18.6)



This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by fred

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@romainrob Sorry for being late - I did removed the whole program then reinstalled it, now everything works like charm 😍 Great job and thank you again!

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Posted by: @fred

@romainrob Thx for your answer. I try in online session and all is ok,  but there is a difference with the value game (delta -33.5)  and the value in the dashboard (delta -18.6)



@fred Hi,
Sorry for the delayed answer.
The gaps are not provided by the game so they are computed by my SimHub plugin.
I found they usually match the in game gaps fairly closely as long as the cars are in the same class.
The difference gets more noticeable the further away the opponent is.
I'm currently working on a new way the compute the gaps, mainly to solve the inter class issue.

The difference in your screenshot is indeed massive. 🤔 
I wonder if it's an issue specific to the car or track you we're running.
1. Did you notice the same issue in other cars and or tracks.
2. Did you notice the same issue is the relative is not filtered per class?

Edit: I was able to replicate it. It seems to be an issue with class filter. I'll try to fix it.
Thanks for reporting it.

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Posted by: @happiness133

@romainrob Sorry for being late - I did removed the whole program then reinstalled it, now everything works like charm 😍 Great job and thank you again!

Hi. Glad to hear it! You're welcome 😉

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@romainrob hey mate how do I load your bass shaker set-up. I installed it along with the dashboards but nothing is showing in the bass shaker profiles. What am I missing as I used to use it and was mint so I'm missing it haha 

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@rumontap Hi,
Bass shakers profiles are copied to: C:\Program Files (x86)\SimHub\RSC - Profiles\Bass Shakers\
You have to import them from SimHub using the profile manager.

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Thanks heaps mate your a legend 

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1.1.13 Update

Car logos:
- Added brand logos for ACC 5 new cars.
- Fixed misnamed logos of iRacing next gen cup cars.

Input plugin:
- Added images of the Rexing Mayaris, UGT and Timun steering wheels to the list
- Added steering range for the 5 ACC new cars
- Fixed the plugin not using the current SimHub game wheel rotation range setting when forced to use raw axes input.
- Fixed per game settings not updating properly on game change.

Fixed the standing start assists overlay being visible when it should not.

Added tire compounds to the iRacing standings overlay.

iRacing plugin:
- New gap computation... again
- Fixed the inconsistency across car classes.
- Fixed the flickering from 0sec to 1 lap on lead change and close battles.
- Fixed the gaps on the class only relative not being filtered per class.

- A reference lap now has to be recorded by the plugin (independently of the lap recorded by SimHub built-in tracker).
- No gap will be computed/displayed until a lap is recorded for the current car track/combo.
- Your pace when recording a reference lap is irrelevant. Don't worry about it. The only thing that matters is that a full lap (and a little more) is recorded.
- Invalid laps (pit in, big cuts/missing bits and session change) will be automatically discarded.
- Added a button to clear the reference lap in the setting screen, just in case.

- New properties:
- IRacingExtraProperties.GapTrackingReady
- Standings, relative and player tire compound initial and color

Various other minor tweaks and fixes


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@romainrob tire compound is a fantastic edition, gives me something to add in my free time now. thank you my man

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1.1.14 Update

iRacing standings leaderboard:  
- Fixed cars teleported to the pits (towing) jumping up in the leaderboard during races.
- Fixed the live positions acting funny while gridding. 

iRacing relative:
- Added tire compound to the relative.
- Added color codes (pace and last lap time) matching the standings leaderboard.         

iRacing opponent’s tracker:
- Added sector lines to the opponent’s tracker.
- Added a visual representation of the pit lane to the opponent’s tracker.
- Added a linear version of the opponent’s tracker. 

iRacing plugin new properties:
- IRacingExtraProperties.Sector_Count
- IRacingExtraProperties.Sector_XX_SectorStartPct (sector line position)
- IRacingExtraProperties.iRacing_Leaderboard_Driver_XX_LapDistPct

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Re uploaded 1.1.14 to actually include the new tracker overlay in the installer.

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Bonjour @Romainrob, merci pour votre travail, le Pace et Gap ne fonctionne pas sur le relative, comment résoudre ce problÚme ? Merci 


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@spizou Bonjour, certaines fonctions nécessitent qu'un tour valide soit enregistré, par SimHub ET par le plugin, pour chaque combinaison voiture/piste.
Si ça ne fonctionne toujours aprÚs 2 ou 3 tours, merci de zipper et me partager ce dossier:
C:\Program Files (x86)\SimHub\Logs

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@romainrob Merci pour ta rĂ©ponse 🙂 on ne peu pas avoir le Gap avec la voiture devant et derriĂšre lorsque l’on sort des stands dans un practice ? ObligĂ© de faire des tours avant ?

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