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Si, sauf la première fois pour chaque car/track combo.
Les gaps ne sont pas inclus dans les données du jeu et doivent être calculés par SimHub ou un plugin.
Il faut donc qu'un tour de référence soit enregistré pour chaque car/track combo.
Ce tour est sauvegardé et réutilisé pour les sessions suivantes sur le même combo.

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Hello Romain.
First of all, thank you for the great work.
My question is about the Delta Best display.
Is it not possible to display the lap difference there.
I do not use delta times.
Greetings Frank

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@veryslowman Hi,
The last to best delta is only displayed for a few seconds after crossing line.
You're free to edit the dash, if you want it at all times.

The component to modify is
Main screen/Pages/Page 1/Live Delta To Session Best Value.

Replace the text Fx with:

And remove the background and text color Fx.

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@romainrob Hi,

Thank you. This is better for me.

Greetings Frank

Romainrob reacted
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Amazing work dude easily the best overlays and plugins I have found

One issue for me though is the predicted iRating change on the standings is always way too high or low, I have checked I have cars set to 63 and im pretty sure it used to be right. Is there anything i need to reset?

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Hi @Romainrob Maybe IR calculation isn't as accurate as before? I did some races yesterday and it had important differences. In the other hand, and most important, relative is really accurate now. Great job!!! 

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@tgunator @crispeay
Hi, and thanks for the kind words.
I'm also finally happy with the gaps. It took me a while to get there lol.

I keep getting reports about inaccurate iR gain estimation so this is on my radar.
But I never see it myself, aside from sessions with none starters.

I reviewed my code and didn't find anything obvious.
Maybe it has something to do with multiclass, or large field races, which I don't do much.
I'll do more testing and see what comes up.

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Posted by: @romainrob

@tgunator @crispeay
Hi, and thanks for the kind words.
I'm also finally happy with the gaps. It took me a while to get there lol.

I keep getting reports about inaccurate iR gain estimation so this is on my radar.
But I never see it myself, aside from sessions with none starters.

I reviewed my code and didn't find anything obvious.
Maybe it has something to do with multiclass, or large field races, which I don't do much.
I'll do more testing and see what comes up.

I only really race GT3 and happens in both fixed and VRS, its used to be pretty accurate but recently its completely wrong, in the fixed it gives you +iR in far too many places and in VRS its a bit better with the larger field but still usually too much or too little. Its not a huge problem just something to let you know, personally I would prefer an option just to turn it off if its incorrect. 

I'll try out racelabs in my next races and see if there prediction is accurate to make sure its not a problem my side

Thanks for all the hard work dude 

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HI Rob,

thank you for the iracing dash (use it in RF2) it is amazing and helps me win races when other players are struggling for info.


I want to add a DRS indicator, and I tried to edit the dash because you have one on your hybrid dash page but the edit program does not allow me to get to that page. I wanted to see what you did and basically copy that onto the main iracing dash instead of the hybrid one.

any ideas?

thanks in advance.

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You should have access to it, there is nothing hidden in the dash editor.
Look in the "PAGES" folder of the main screen.

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Hi Rob, 


just wondering if you know this problem... when im racing Iracing all just fine when my race starts all fine but sometimes the overlay reset itself and the timing table reset also so my AVG stint time is gone when this happen the overlay become stuttering/lagging.. i know know when i just click on OVERLAY LAYOUT EDITOR all stuttering/lagging are gone and runs completly smooth... im running 3 screens and 1 for my JRT time table so i dont want to have the overlay layout editor on front because it block the JRT timing table... 


do you know how to solve this problem? let me know and many thanks! 

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@r3fl3xspray Hi,
That's a strange one.
Could you please zip and share this folder? C:\Program Files (x86)\SimHub\Logs

This sounds like the game disconnects from SimHub.
Long enough for the plugin to reset the tracked values, as if you exited/rejoined the game.

I'm not sure about the smoothness thing, and why it would change at that moment.
The editor trick points to something related to window focus, and possibly GSYNC if you use it. Hard to tell.
What if you restart the overlay at this point (with the control in dash studio settings)? Does it get smooth again?

Sorry I can't give you a simple answer.
Maybe the logs will reveal something.

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This is great work on your leaderboard. 


I've been trying myself to create a leaderboard that is rather simple that I can use as an overlay for iRacing replays.  What I've found out so far is that my leaderboard dash records the data properly when doing an actual race by recording with SimHub in real time.  However, when I replay the race in iRacing the data on my leaderboard reflects the race results positions, names, etc. and is not dynamic as it was in real time when the race was ran.  I've already made sure that all cars and such are being drawn during my race in an effort to capture the data that would otherwise be necessary.  Did you run into this issue you or does anyone else?  Am I missing a setting somewhere?

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@bakra Hi,
I believe this is a limitation of the game.
All the dynamic telemetry is live, it's not saved in the replay.

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Hi, wondering if there's any way to get any of the map overlays to work for endurance racing in iRacing when you're not the one driving the car? They work perfectly well on my stream when I'm driving, but as soon as another driver is in the car, the red dot showing our car remains stationary in the pits while all the other cars continue to show their position. A few other overlay programs are able to do this, so it seems possible. Thanks for any help!

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