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Posted by: @romainrob

@iovenitti Hi, you can adjust the redline per games, car or even gear in the "Car settings" screen.

Thanks for the answer but i was refering to the color of the numbers the LEDs... you have them in grey and they change to red on reaching the redline. how to have them all in red... on the car settings cannot see that... i suppose i would have to edit the dashboard? but have no idea on what to tweak πŸ˜€


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@iovenitti I see. You do have to edit dash then.
Replace the "Image" Fx of the "Gear" component with
''+[Gear]+' 1'
It will act as if the redline is always reached.

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@romainrob Top Notch!!! ty for explaining and sharing!

Romainrob reacted
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@romainrob And after some testing that didnt work πŸ™‚Β  i even created a new batch of images following the numenclature you had and using number "2"Β  but even that didnt work... the only way its working its the grey and without any number on the code string

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@iovenitti The image names are "GearNumber RedlineReached(0 or 1)"
The formula above works on my end.
I've attached the modified dash.

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@romainrob Thanks so much... was trying to figure out what to do, but there's not much documentation regarding nCalc and calling images like you did. the strange thing is when i deleted the " +[CarSettings_RPMRedLineReached]" it changed color πŸ˜€ .. i thought had to keep the full string.. thanks so much for the support!

This post was modified 2 years ago by iovenitti

Romainrob reacted
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@Romainrob do you know if it's possible to get live trackstate data out of iracing ? i tired to find the data in simhub :-/

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@Romainrob - A friend was just bragging to me about how cool the Sounds plugin you have is - unfortunately I see that it only works with the Windows default audio device and you can't specific one for it to use. Any chance you could put that on your to-do list? I use multiple audio devices, primarily my main 5.1 surround system for game/car audio, a wireless bone-conducting headset for chat/spotter and a ButtKicker for, well, kicking my butt. Not being able to have the sounds play through my headset means I can't really hear it so as such I can't really use it.

Not sure how difficult that would be but if it's not that hard it would be really cool to add that. Thanks again so much for what you do for the community and how much you've expanded SimHub.


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Hi, I'm using the universal sim hub dash for iracing, the latest version is 1.7.3? Didn't others come out? thank you

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@gus713 Hi, I stopped giving version numbers to the dash themselves a while back. I assume you got it on race department or GitHub. All my dash, overlays and plugin are now bundled in an installer. The download link to the latest version is always on the first post of this forum thread.

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Posted by: @exigeous

@Romainrob - A friend was just bragging to me about how cool the Sounds plugin you have is - unfortunately I see that it only works with the Windows default audio device and you can't specific one for it to use. Any chance you could put that on your to-do list? I use multiple audio devices, primarily my main 5.1 surround system for game/car audio, a wireless bone-conducting headset for chat/spotter and a ButtKicker for, well, kicking my butt. Not being able to have the sounds play through my headset means I can't really hear it so as such I can't really use it.

Not sure how difficult that would be but if it's not that hard it would be really cool to add that. Thanks again so much for what you do for the community and how much you've expanded SimHub.


Hi, and thanks for the kind words.
This first was limitation of the SimHub audio control plugin. I use it to make SimHub play the sound files and there is no option to choose the output device. Later I used a similar approach for the text to speech notifications so all the sounds play through the same device.
I don’t know how challenging it would be to add the option tbh. I would have to experiment with it. Even if I managed to do it, I’m worried people would run into issues when Windows swaps audio devices around. As it can happen with shake it.
I’ll add the idea to my list. No promises.


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Posted by: @lasse-gashi

@Romainrob do you know if it's possible to get live trackstate data out of iracing ? i tired to find the data in simhub :-/

Hi, I don’t think so. From memory the only track rubber state data available is from the week end options or session info, not live telemetry.


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Hi @Romainrob

I got a license for SimHub purely because of your awesome collection. I really like it, thank you so much for making it.

I was wondering if there is possible for the iRacing iRadar - Compact to show what side the passing car is on? Right now it display the icon on both sides, and I believe it is possible? πŸ™‚

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@fussyboots Hi, and thank you for the kind words πŸ˜€
The car should appear on one side only, most of the time.
The radar shows the car on both side when the spotter gets lazy and doesn't call it, often when the speed difference is too big.
iRacing doesn't expose the car coordinates so I had to rely on spotter data.

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@Romainrob Thank you for taking the time to reply, appreciate it. 😄 Ah, gotcha. That makes a lot of sense, thank you. 👍

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