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In overlay simhub I tried to make an odometer for iRacing with DataCorePlugin.GameData.SessionOdo, it shows me the km traveled of the current session but I would like the km of all the sessions to be accumulated to see how many km I do in iRacing. I had thought that perhaps it will be possible to describe in the end of the session the km in a file or variable then to add it with the data of the next session but I do not know how, I saw that we could use javascript in simhub, but i don't know this language. Will some give me the command line for simhub javascript to do this?

Sorry for my language I'm French

This post was modified 4 years ago by FloDooby

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Posted by: @flodooby


In overlay simhub I tried to make an odometer for iRacing with DataCorePlugin.GameData.SessionOdo, it shows me the km traveled of the current session but I would like the km of all the sessions to be accumulated to see how many km I do in iRacing. I had thought that perhaps it will be possible to describe in the end of the session the km in a file or variable then to add it with the data of the next session but I do not know how, I saw that we could use javascript in simhub, but i don't know this language. Will some give me the command line for simhub javascript to do this?

Sorry for my language I'm French

Salut. Désolé pour la réponse tardive.
J'aime bien cette idée.
Il me semble que SimHub ne permet pas l'écriture de fichiers par le moteur de formule, NCalc ou JS, pour de raisons de sécurité.
Du coup ça nécessitai d'écrire un plugin pour stocker et charger la valeur de l'odomètre, et la cumuler par jeu ou au total.
Une autre option serait de souffler l'idée à @Wotever 😉 😉 pour l'ajout d'une propriété native à SimHub.
En espérant qu'il trouve l'idée à son gout. Tu peux faire un suggestion ici:


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can i somehow force the overlay to read the rawdata from steering and pedal input? Overlay "thinks" that it get data from WRC9, but that's not the case. Maybe u can add a switch toggle to force it. Mainly the fault of Simhub itself, but perhabs someone else like that option.

Also tried the saturation setting with RBR. Didn't work, but maybe because it's RBR Pro. I think custom degree per game would be better than saturation (in the case u can do it per game profile on wheelbase). I usually run 1080 and as example change it for F1 games to 360 on the wheelbase,  so it would be 33.33 saturation with decimal places. Don't like saturation settings at all. I always let it on 100 and change my wheelbase settings. If possible it would also be great if there would be a switch to change between saturation or degree per game. Meanwhile i have to change the rotation degrees manually for each game

Thank you so much for this great overlay collection.

Kind regards

This post was modified 4 years ago by eGaD

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I don't have any WRC games to test this, but it seems they lack pedals input telemetry.
My plugin expects throttle, brake and clutch data from SimHub supported games so it won't work in this case.
I took note of your ideas. I'll have to take a closer look and see what solutions I can come up with.

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Salut Romain,

Merci beaucoup pour le travail que tu as fait jusque-là, j'utilise tes overlays sur iRacing c'est vraiment top ! (Le pit helper et les telemetry d'input notamment ça marche super bien)


Est-ce que je peux me permettre de te faire une suggestion concernant le module "RSC - Trackmap" : Coloriser les points des voitures selon les classes de la course. (Comme sur Opponents tracker par exemple)


Sur une course multi classe, toutes les voitures apparaissent de la même couleur donc on perd en lisibilité !


Et question subsidiaire comment on peut être alerté d'une MAJ ? 🙂



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Salut et merci 😊 

Les couleurs par classe, ça n'est malheureusement pas supporté par SimHub à ce jour.
Du moins pas sans un gros travail custom qui me dépasse.

Comme c'est assez régulièrement demandé, je viens faire une relance sur ce ticket:
Tu peux y manifester ton intérêt si tu veux ;).

Sinon pour être alerté des maj, certains dashboards ont une notification sur l'écran idle.
Et je fais toujours un post ici quand il y en a une nouvelle.

Bonne journée 

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Posted by: @egad



can i somehow force the overlay to read the rawdata from steering and pedal input? Overlay "thinks" that it get data from WRC9, but that's not the case. Maybe u can add a switch toggle to force it. Mainly the fault of Simhub itself, but perhabs someone else like that option.

Also tried the saturation setting with RBR. Didn't work, but maybe because it's RBR Pro. I think custom degree per game would be better than saturation (in the case u can do it per game profile on wheelbase). I usually run 1080 and as example change it for F1 games to 360 on the wheelbase,  so it would be 33.33 saturation with decimal places. Don't like saturation settings at all. I always let it on 100 and change my wheelbase settings. If possible it would also be great if there would be a switch to change between saturation or degree per game. Meanwhile i have to change the rotation degrees manually for each game

Thank you so much for this great overlay collection.

Kind regards

Here is an updated version of the plugin.
For now, I've manually forced the usage of raw inputs for the WRC games.
I've also reworked the steering wheel rotation range and saturation settings. These are now saved per game.
Let me now how it goes.


eGaD reacted
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wow nice. thank you so much. i'll test it and leave u a feedback.



I did a quick test. WRC games take the value of "non simhub games". Is that right? Another thing is Dirt Rally 2.0. If you play with softlock like me the steering output is not equal to the real rotation of the wheel, because the game outputs other values dependend on the car (for example: 1080° wheelbase and 720° the car). It's not the fault of your plugin. Because of that i don't use Cortextual's version of the Dirt Telemetry Tool anymore. That's why i asked for a toggle switch for forcing steering rawdata 😉


This post was modified 4 years ago by eGaD

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Yes WRC was falling in the non SimHub games basket.
Not anymore as I added the settings to force device input only and ignore the game data and removed to exclusion of WRC games.
I had to move a lot of things around. Hopefully I fixed everything that broke.
It seemed to work fine to me.
Let me know now.

eGaD reacted
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Thanks again. I will test it tomorrow, have to sleep now. I took a quick peek to the changes and if that works as intendend i think it will be fine. 👍 

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Quick question, is there a way to set an overlay to show when out of the car or at the main UI in iRacing?  Specifically I'm talking about the Twitch Chat overlay.  I loose visibility whenever I'm out of the car/in the main user interface.  It would be nice to have that overlay on top/visible all the time if possible.


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There is an "Hide when not in race" option in the layout editor.
You can also map a button to manually toggle the overlays visibility in Dash Studio settings.
But both applies to the entire layout. Not per overlay.

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I found a bug in the standings overlay.

P11 and P12 did pit but not visible at the overlay.



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@egad Hi,
Thank you for your donation. Much appreciated 😀
The modular overlay needed a little tweak for the force raw shifter input to work.
The analog one was fine.
Here it is:

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@simbob Hi,
As there is no data from the game for the pit lap, this is tracked from the "isinpit" status of each car.
To avoid gaps in the data for the furthest cars, make sure the game sends you all the cars telemetry at all times:

Bump up your bandwidth setting on your account setting (the account web page)
Set the "Max car" setting to 63 in iRacing graphic settings and restart the game.

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