Thanks,it's everything okay now
One more question, please, it has nothing to do with the dash, I think
I have the speed indicator and underneath the max speed.
Is there a way to have, for the entire race, the max speed I achieved during the race ?
After a few seconds, it's like a refreshing.
Thank you
I've changed it for you. It (hopefully) now shows the max speed you achieved in the active session.
Don't know if you use KM/H or MPH, it now shows your preffered unit in your simhub settings.
Same link in my previous comment 😉
Thank you so much, tried it but still the same
Maybe I didn't explain properly : when I drive, let's say a race, 30 minutes, and I reach 330 kmh, and after, I stay under 300 kmh, it should remain 330 kmh, the whole race
If you are willing to do another try, please, use this dash, I already edited a lot of stuff
Thank you, again
Don't know in what game/sim you use it. For me in Iracing it's works fine
Hope THIS should work. I left the 0-100/0-60 layers out.
So your max speed is always visible now. (maybe that is what you mean)
I have some Iracing (simhub) replays and tested it on a 30m race and a 40 min race.
Starts to show to the fastest speed of the fastest part of lap 1. Stays at that value the whole race, untill i go faster.
That's perfect now, thank you so much
Off topic
I opened a thread last year, or so
Not sure if there is a fix from the dash or SimHub settings
Can you please have a look ?
Thats because the aspect ratio / dimensions / resolution of the dash
A pc screen, a tablet, or a phone have all 3 different screen widths and heights.
As a dash is made almost square, your phone takes the maximum height it can. But your phone screen isn't a square. So you get big black bars left and right.
Only solution is to make the dash in the same aspect ratio as your phone to make it full screen. The dash wouldn't be streched over full screen.
If there is some space in the dash on the sides, you can make it something smaller. But things will get out of screen most of the times then.
Only solution is to remake the whole dash. Make it wider, replace all things, bigger or smaller font sizes, everything have to be replaced/resized. Basicly, you have to almost remake the complete dash.
Always difficult when you make a new dash. Do you make it full screen for a tablet (almost square), do you make a dash for a phone format (big rectangle) of for a 2nd or 3rd screen on a pc (16:9, most of the times)
You never got it full screen on all 3
Thank you so much for your help.