See accelerator bar
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See accelerator bar

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Good companions, the doubt arises to me like being able to visualize the percentage of accelerator, brake or handbrake in a horizontal bar in DashStudio

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i was able to find the Brake and Throttle values but wondering whether it is returned as a range of 1-100 or something else.

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@eugenecp I recently made myself a small overlay for brake, throttle, clutch. I have a piece of text at the end of the throttle and brake bars showing how much input for each. When I first set it up it was displaying the input as a decimal number so I had to change 'formatted result' to '0' to force it to not display the decimal. It appears as though it returns results in the range of 0-100.


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@joshoz thanks, i was able to create a vertical gauge for the brake and throttle.  the range is 0-100 so the bars look nice.
