Love the dash, I would love to use it with ATS as well as ETS, I run both and would love commonality between the two.
Is there an easy way to adapt this to Imperial/ATS from metric measurements?
Uncle Eric
I'd need to work that out, so far it's only made for ETS2 but I do have plans to make it ATS friendly or release a separate one for ATS, just very busy with my actual career at the moment sadly
Just a headsup; I'm still alive, I got my private/career stuff sorted out now and I will continue working on the dashboard more actively again; I made a change of plans, which is releasing the real time ETE and ETA feature kinda like early access, functional up to 1000km because I can't find the time to make test drives above 1000km, I don't quite know how I'll handle that in the future, if at all, but I really wanna make a functional release with this feature as good as I can get it with the spare time I have for this project. But, of course, life is first, so I'll release the feature a little restricted functionality. I aim to release it this year still.
I'll see if and which other changes I can ship as well, but this will definitely be part of it.
Toodaloo, PLANET_XYZ
The time has come, after some troublesome real life things, I finally found some time to make the next update ready!
V1.1: Real time ETA / ETE Update!
Boring background info:
After some experimenting and the realization that this will be rough to completely finish, I decided, that I will release a sort of early access / beta release of this. What does this mean?
Up to 1000 km I have now tested values and found some, that are the most accurate results for my tests. Of course, just as in real life, this value can differ for your experience based on how you drive, what cargo you have, how the traffic is etc. My conditions for these tests were simply; no traffic, time recorded was the pure driving distance; I kept the speed limiter on, 90km/h was top speed where possible; traffic lights were ignored, stop signs were ignored and I avoided toll gates as good as I could. Cargo was always 20t of apples on a Curtainsider.
I tested 200km, 400km, 600km, 800km and 1000km multiple times with different multipliers until I was satisfied. Beyond 1000km the same multiplier as with 1000km is used, so I cannot guarantee the accuracy beyond that and since I can't make multiple multi-thousand KM runs at the time, I am now releasing this update in this state. I don't know how I'll make the rest work, if at all, but it won't be forgotten.
So, now that the boring background stuff is out of the way, what does this update actually change?
New Features:
Dashboard now shows more accurate real time ETA and ETE (times may still be inaccurate, many factors play into the accuracy, but better than before; feature is only well supported up to 1000km distance due to limited resources on my end (it's hard to have multiple multi-thousand KM runs just to find good values when there is also a real life to live))
ETE and ETA in game (as well as real time) now also let you know if your delivery runs more than the current day / a day (timer displays +1d / +2d if time is over 24h or 48h respectively)
Fines are now shown on the dashboard including reason and fine amount
Download the update here:
I'm absolutely loving this dashboard!
However.. I play in the UK, everything is imperial on our roads, the game is set to MPH and Miles, but the dash is KPH and Kilometers.
I have managed to find the settings in the json files to display the correct speed, but that's all. The Roundels etc all still show the Kmh values. What am I missing?
@axeblokie Thank you for your Feedback!
Unfortunately, I have not yet implemented a way to make this work but I have it on my list of to-do's!
If you really want to edit the entire thing for your own use, it would be a pain but possible; you'd need to edit all the data properties on the dashboard; the roundels are hardcoded though, you'd need to edit all that by hand. If you wanna we can get into contact and I can help you out, but it's a lot of work
Toodaloo, PLANET_XYZ
I've managed to find all the other KPH references in the various JSON files that SimHub generates for the dash.
Some were Kmh and others were seemingly Kph, replacing all the found values with Mph did the job.
The Roundells now show the speed limits in Mph, along other velocity references.
Just the distance to find now, but I doubt that will be hard to fathom now I've got a better understanding of how SimHub pulls the values.
The dash is great and I am using it all the time! Thank you for your awesome work!
There are three questions from me or possible suggestions:
1) Is there an option to show numerical data for truck information screen, for example engine/oil temps in C or brake pressue in bar/psi instead of bars?
2) Is it possible to disable this horrible blinking of speed limit if you drive a bit over it? Just showing the red number is enough, constant blinking is very distracting. Yes yes I know I should obey the speed limits, but sometimes I am in a hurry and this is a game after all 🙂
3) From what I understand game's API does not provide any gps data, so I guess having a navigation shown on route advisor window is not currently possible?
1) Is there an option to show numerical data for truck information screen, for example engine/oil temps in C or brake pressue in bar/psi instead of bars?
I might be able to add numbers to them; I'd preferably not remove the bars since I love visualization lol but I should be able to add some numbers once I get around to working on the dash again!
2) Is it possible to disable this horrible blinking of speed limit if you drive a bit over it? Just showing the red number is enough, constant blinking is very distracting. Yes yes I know I should obey the speed limits, but sometimes I am in a hurry and this is a game after all 🙂
Technically it's possible, yes; but as you said, you should obey speed limits and I value the realism of a simulator a lot. Since this is basically a personal project made public, I won't "officially" remove this feature, but you can turn it off if you want. Maybe this already helps you, if it doesn't let me know:
Edit the dashboard in SimHub, top right are the objects. There is a MenuWidget, unlock it (if it's locked) and click it. Bottom right is a properties window, there is a "Edit Widget" button. Hit that, back to top right. Under the "NavInfo" folder (unlock und unfold) there is a "SpeedLimit" folder. Click it (not unfold) and check the properties for "BlinkEnabled". There is a green "fx" button next to it, click it, a window opens for functions. Delete the content, press "Ok" and save. Now it shouldn't blink anymore. Hope it helped 🙂
3) From what I understand game's API does not provide any gps data, so I guess having a navigation shown on route advisor window is not currently possible?
Exactly, sadly. I'm waiting for any info on that, but nothing so far.
For most of these questions I got some information that might be interesting; I'm working on a full standalone application (using the Telemetry Server by Funbit; although I'm looking for an updated one or maybe I'll update it myself) that I'd like to work dynamically on mobile as well as desktop. But I'm busy with work, some work on this dashboard as well as learning what I need to execute this project (Currently trying/using Flutter and the Telemetry Server; struggling mostly with dynamic resizing but the main gauge is done, it just looks- broken when resizing the window or using a different screen ratio than what I used) For anyone wondering how this would help; I'm not bound to the technical limitations of SimHub; I could add logging, tracking, I could improve a lot on the real life ETE and ETA calculations, I can make settings and customizations so that stuff like switching between KPH/MPH, bar/psi, Celsius/Fahrenheit and so on would be as simple as switching a toggle button. I even thought about the idea of tracking player's driving data based on consent to make a machine learning system for ETE and ETA calculations which would make the calculations more and more accurate the more players use it, without me having to test distance value by value manually. A lot of dreaming here maybe, but I'm definitely on it, I just have a lot of real life happening all the time, so I apologize for that and therefore slow/sparce updates and such.
Cheers and toodaloo, PLANET_XYZ