Hey guys,
I‘m pretty new to sim hub and the dashboard universe. So I created my own dashboard and I’m quite happy what I archived.
but to my question. I’m also on twitch and I saw at another streamer that it’s possible to have the chat on the dashboard. Do I have to connect this with simhub?
It is possible using a "Web page view" component in the dash editor and the chat pop out address
@romainrob so i added the web page viewer, but when i open it on the dashboard its still black ...
what am i doing wrong?
Idk. Maybe the address is incorrect.
Test with something generic like https://www.google.com/
@romainrob in the dash editor it shows up. But not on the dashboard....
Did you reload your dash after saving?
Depending on how/where it's loaded this can be necessary.
Have the same issue, i can see it working on editor, obs, but not on the webpage on another device or eve non window mode.