Invite invalid ?
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Invite invalid ?

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Hi, I had the Simhub on my discord but now that I was looking for get some info, I no longer see it, maybe I mess up something (I remember that some weeks ago I had a kind of "virus" that was sending messages to users, but it as been fixed). I tried to rejoin using the link on the site ( , but I get the message "unable to accept the invite".

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Try one of these: (from the web site "Help and community") (from the bottom right of the app)

Edit: I read your question again and realized the your account was compromised.
It's likely to be blacklisted now.

Prominent Member Admin
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Hi !

Unfortunately I see in the moderation log that your account got caught bulk sending scam links, that's why it got banned. 


Best regards,


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Hi all.
That's what I said, I had click on a "Nitro Discord ... something" message, from a thrusted friend that as also been "infected" by it, and I fall it to the trap as well.
Now that the issue has been solved and cleanned , can the ban be removed ?

Note: And I'm sorry for all the trouble, it wasn't intedend. You did right with the ban to protect the comunity.

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Hi, it might have been forgoten, so just to know if I will be able to rejoin the discord ?

Thks once again.

Prominent Member Admin
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Hi ! We debated these security questions with the moderation team yesterday, this is a really tought question,
Should compromised accounts be trusted or not ?

For now we will unban them on demand, could yo recall me your discord alias so i can check it's unbanned, I already did a couple of them yestyerday, but I may have missed some.

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Thks Wotever. I understand the issue, and with a large as SimHub community it's hard to make the call to not compromisse the others because this kind of stuff spreads quite fast. I also after cleaning had been on all the channels were I'm in and erased all the messages that were posted.
I already have try and have acess now (Jaime Santos#2236) , thank you for the thrust.

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Im an idiot and fell for that same free gift scam and also cant rejoin. I have since changed my pass and added 2a and learned a lesson not to click anything like that again.  Could I please be reinstated also? My names Bobby Summers#4937  

Thank you and I apologize for my stupidity and inconvenience it has caused.

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