Using multiple I2C ...
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Using multiple I2C screens on a single arduino

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Hello! I'm working on a pretty epic dashboard, and I plan on having a dozen or so 1602 or 2004 LCD included.

While Arduino supports multiple I2C devices on one Arduino board, I can't figure out how to do it with Simhub. I'd rather not have to install a dozen Arduino boards if it's possible to do it on a single one.

Is this somehow possible?

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Hi ! 

No it's not possible, unfortunately those i2c screens are really slow (~7FPS from memory) and having multiple ones on a single arduino would divide the refresh rate to some indecent values ( 1 - 7FPS, 2 - 3.5FPS , 3 ... 2.3FPS ..... 🙁 )

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It is indeed really, really slow - I was going to use if for things like tyre temp/wear rather than speedo, but oh well, thank you for the update :).


That brings up the following question, then: is there a maximum of Arduinos that SimHub can recognize?

And while we're at it: is there any way to increase the 20-module limit on the Arduino text display menu (or, alternatively, to display more screens at once, so that for example, if you have 40 devices, you could use the 20 modules from screen 1 and the 20 modules from screen 2 simultaneously, showing 40 outputs at once?


Et wow, la réponse rapide! J'écris en anglais pour la postérité et pour être utile, mais mes félicitations pour SimHub, ça se fait en français :).
