@doomsday Hi,
Do you mean the tyre pressure is always 0 in multiplayer?
Or does it reset to 0 when you exit the car/ return to the pits?
@romainrob to be more specific, in acc the hot pressure telemetry is always reset to zero when you return to the pit (I do not know why.....). here is the need to "photograph" the value in order to use it in calculations.
in single player the formula works, but in multyplayer no.......
Maybe it drops to 0 just before the data says you're in the pits.
You could try only updating your root.onTrackDeltaPressure if $prop('TyrePressureFrontLeft') != 0
@romainrob ok I will try...but the strange thing is that it happens only in MP....
It must have something to do with the game not pausing when pressing esc in MP.
I understood the problem between mp and single player and solved it
do you know of any way via code to automatically switch to a certain screen following a specific event without using the paired button?
or to inhibit switching to a screen?
I have 3 screens in the dash
do I want to automatically switch to screen 3 at a given event, or do I want pressing the paired key to inhibit switching to screen 2 by going directly to screen 3?
@oanlena ??????