DIY - play, Recycli...
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DIY - play, Recycling and aquisition of competence

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Build my simulation environment at a low price with what I have on hand:
An old ACT-Labs FFB RS wheel.
An instrument cluster from a seat (similar with VW and audi car).

RS wheel pilot with leonardo: RS Wheel FFB, RS paddle, buttons & leds (wait receiving parts: leonardo, incremental coder, H bridge Driver for DC motor)
Shiffter : arduino + potentiometer
Activate cluster with simhub: concept to use CAN BUS protocol and all wiring function pilot by arduino (wait parts : SPI MCP2515 EF02037 CAN BUS Shield, arduino)
Think to other upgrade : led, display, 7 segments display..
If some of you have realized or tried the same approach, I take your advice. if you wish I can already share my envisaged solutions and the technical documentation gathered
