ACC lights and flag...
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ACC lights and flags.

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Hello good, I wanted to ask if anyone knows how the flags and lights (Long, Short, Rain) can be represented in ACC.
In the Arduino/RGB Leds section, I have a specific option of green flag, yellow flag, blue flag... but when the flag appears in the game, it does not represent it on the screen.

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As I also came across that issue I was able to solve it, what costed quite some time for nothing as it turned out -  when you search for yellow in the properties for acc you will recognize that we have overall 4 yellow flag properties - overall + one for each sector



so instead of simply using the standard yellow flag setting you need to use a

'when formula is true' setting with ncalc formula (eg [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Graphics.globalYellow1]

I choose the following way with the 3 LEDs I use for flags:

when [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Graphics.globalYellow] all three are set to blink

in addition

when [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Graphics.globalYellow1] the top ones is static,

when [DataCorePlugin.GameRawData.Graphics.globalYellow2] middle one is blinking

and the bottom one for ...3
Thus all statics one are showing the sectors thar currently have a yellow flag.


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Posted by: @chichi67

As I also came across that issue I was able to solve it

Just registered to give you a big thank you!

default yellow flag in simhub (currently at version 9.0.4) has a strange behaviour in acc, currently at version 1.9.5.

Your solution works perfectly!

For anyone else with this issue and not understanding completely what chichi67 said, here is a screenshot for my settings:
