AllInOne Overlay Su...
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AllInOne Overlay Suddenly Not Showing Relative Gaps - iRacing

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I have been using SimHub to display the AllInOne Overlay for iRacing onto a tablet mounted on my simrig for about 2 years or so, and there have been no issues at all until recently when I made some changes.

I bought a Sim-Lab SD43 Dash unit, and had some initial issues setting it up, so I updated the SimHub software to the latest version.  I also installed some new dashes in Dash Studio, specifically the "RSC" ones made by RomainRob, and I also installed "RSC - iRacing Extra Properties" plug-in to use with these new dashes.  It took a bit of fiddling, but I got the SD43 configured, and it is running correctly.

However, some setting or parameter has been changed, as now my AllInOne Overlay does not show the gaps to other cars when driving online in iRacing.  It either shows "0.0", or some random number, like "217.2" for every single car.  The relative gaps show up correctly in iRacing's own black box, and the gaps seem to show up normally when I drive an offline AI race, but when I join an online session, this problem occurs.

I have looked through all the settings I know of, everywhere in SimHub.  I've tried disabling the "RSC - iRacing Extra Properties" in SimHub Settings.  This seems to make things even worse, as it causes the AllInOne Overlay's leaderboard to be completely empty except some "#" symbols in place of data.  I updated SimHub to the latest version again, I am on 9.1.5 currently. I found in SimHub Settings > General > "Lap Tracking and Leaderboards" > "Gap Computation Mode Priority" and "SimHub Gap Computation Algorithm" settings, which seem to closely pertain to my issue.  I tried changing those options, restarting SimHub and loading into an iRacing session again, but they had no effect on the problem.

Somewhere in the course of updating the software or adjusting settings, I seem to have messed up something, but I don't know what it is.  If anyone here knows what I might have done wrong, or how I might go about trying to fix this, it would be much appreciated.  If more info is needed, I would be happy to add it.


Thank you and have a nice day!

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Small update: this issue is not confined to just the AllInOne Overlay - I have this issue with every single dashboard in SimHub, both the default ones and others I've manually added.  I've tried uninstalling and re-installing SimHub also, but this had no effect.

This seems to indicate that the issue is within SimHub itself, rather than a specific issue with one dashboard.  I've looked through and fiddled with every setting I can find which might help, but still no dice.

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Per RomainRob's post here:

That's correct. At some point I reworked the gap computation to get results closer the in game values, especially between different class cars.
So now, for each car track combo, both SimHub and my plugin have to record a lap before everything starts working.


I simply had to complete a full lap and then all the relatives now show normally on all dashboards.  I hope this helps anyone who encounters this same issue!
