Hello, I would like to use simhub with an oled and ws2812b leds.
Since my oled is probably a noname I only get a pixel salad.
Now I have read that you should use the U8g2lib.
With the example file of the lib, I can use my display without any problems.
Unfortunately I don't know how to change the code in Arduino for this.
It would be great, if somebody could help me
What arduino board are you using ? If you are usiong a nano or similar you may be running out of memory as indicated on the wiki :
https://github.com/SHWotever/SimHub/wiki/Arduino-SSD1306-0.9 6''-Oled-I2C#restrictions
Can you also check that you are running a SSD1306 module ? I fear that changing the library is not an easy task.
Hi, use an mega 2560 pro mini.
the oled is a SH1106. that's why I need the other lib
OK. got me an SSD1306 display. That works now. Too bad, would have liked to have installed the larger one. one more question, can you adjust what is displayed on the oled? and can i rotate the screen?
Currently, F1 is displayed on the oled gear and speed. I would like only the speed over the full display
It is possible to swap the oled library to support the SH1106, I did it here for my esp8266 + sh1106 firmware: