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Arduino uno and tm1638 troubleshoot

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Dear Simhub team,

Thank you for creating this software, it's pretty amazing!

I'm trying to connect an Arduino UNO board with a TM1638 to create a dashboard for displaying the current speed in racing games. Under the Arduino tab at screens, I've created the outlay I would like to have and it works with the recorded data from the game.

Then I choose under the my hardware tab the arduino uno, theΒ  tm1638 board, I double check the wiring and I choose upload to arduino.

After uploading and starting the game nothing happens, the tm1638 board doesn't display anything. I've tried to upload through the arduino ide other simple sketches and then the tm1638 display works.

Could you please help me what am I doing wrong? Please let me know if I should provide some screenshots, videos, etc. Currently I'm using the free version, shall I try to purchase the software?Β 

Thanks a lot in advance!

Kind regards,


Eminent Member
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Edit: Now working πŸ˜‰ I bought another Nano board which runs the TM1638 fine.


Same problem here but with a Nano.Β 

The Nano works fine with the Max 7221 matrix and with the W2812B LEDs but the 1638 shows nothing even with nothing else activated. I purchased the module a few years ago but it is identical to the one in the SimHub Wiki photo JY-LKM1638 v:1.2 and itΒ  works fine with other basic test sketches.

Do I also need to set it up somewhere else in SimHub?


