Bass Shakers Not Wo...
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Bass Shakers Not Working In Game

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I had to do a Windows reset (Windows 10) due to some issues with my Graphics card.  When I reinstalled everything, my bass shakers no longer work inside the games.  I have two Dayton BST-1s connected to a Fosi amp that is connected to a Sound Blaster card via the headphone jack.  I use USB headphones for my primary speakers/mic (default).  This all worked perfectly before the reset.

Now I have the Soundblaster showing up under "Sound Output", I have enabled it, set the effects I want on each channel, etc., and they shake when I select "test now".  But in any game I play, I have no shaker output.  I also have an Arduino dash I run via Simhub, and that is working fine.

I saw this on 8.3.10, so reverted to earlier versions.  I have tried 8.3.2 and up.  I have tried an update and completely clean install.  This is the paid version.

The Soundblaster card all looks good in Windows, and has the latest drivers (same as before the reset).  I have tried unchecking the "exclusive control" option for the Soundblaster card; no change.

I am very frustrated and really hope someone can solve this for me!

This topic was modified 2 years ago by robertwwyatt

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Which game are you using ? As is I would say the game does not connect, some of them like AMS2, PCars etc ... needs a manual configuration.

Edit I've read a bit too fast, if the arduino dash works connecctivity will be ok.
Have you enabled some effects in the effect list ? It's maybe in the "etc", but better be sure 😉 Out of box they are all disabled to avoid a "shaker mess".

This post was modified 2 years ago by Wotever

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@admin5435 doh!  I had selected all the effects per channel, but not enabled them in the main menu.  Thanks for your swift response and sorry for being such a dumbass!  Love your product!

This post was modified 2 years ago by robertwwyatt
