Buttkicker Question...
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Buttkicker Questions

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Hi, Just got 2 buttkicker advance. 1under seat and 1 mounted to pedal plate. Will be running with crown 2 x 350 watt 4ohm

installed sound blaster audigy fx. Is there specific connection to use from sound card ? black, green, orange?

Is there a specific frequency range that work best for advance buttkicker?


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Hi ! Sound cards Color code mostly refers to 5.1 setup, in the case of Simhub you will be using channels in raw order following the current configuration of the sound card (stereo, quadriphonic, 5.1 .... 71 ...). Since each channel will be used as a classic output, color code is meaningless here. Simply use the "test channel" button to know which output is active depending of your setup.


About frequencies, I never tested this particular model, but each shaker has its specificities and the required frequencies will also vary a lot depending of the rig and the mounting method. As a starting point you can refer to the datasheet : working range should be specified, but it will still require some tuning depending of your specific conditions to get the best of your hardware.


GorillaJones reacted
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Thanks for reply and info!

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I have a question. I have 4 butt kickers lfe in each corner, 2 buttkicker minis for pedals and shifter. They all go to a 4 channel sound town amp for the lfe's and two buttkicker amps for the shifter and pedals. 


Unfortunately my two sound cards only see two of the shakers. If there a sound card available with 7 individual 3.5mm inputs?


