I have a few button boxes that I have been running flawlessly with iRacing. As soon as I start SimHub, one of those button box freezes up and will not work. Once I disconnect the button box and re-connect it, the button box will work for a few seconds then stop working again. Same button box, same issue.. As long as Simhub is not running, that button box will work fine. Any suggestions?
Thus far I have went into Controls and events / Controllers Status and disabled the button box I have been having issue with. Even after that, I still have the same problem.
I also went to Settings / Plugins / and disabled controllers input. The issue is still occurring.
Please help.
Kelvin Masur
I have exactly the same problem! It only just started happening. It happens on both my button boxes. If I stop Simhub, they work, but with Simhub running they do not work properly, even without anything else running--i.e., they do not work when you test them in Windows.
SOLVED: I recently added a DDU and then disconnected it. Even when I disabled it in Simhub I got the issue with the button boxes, but the problem went away when I plugged the DDU back in or deleted the device entirely from Simhub.