I have tried 5 different arduinos and simhub will not find any of them. The computer can find them, I can also use the offcial Arduino IDE software but when I use sim hub it cannot find any Arduinos connected. It did work before but it it cannot find any.
I have even reinstalled the program 3 times and it is the same. What can cause simhub to not find Arduinos connected?
Hi ! Does your Arduino have simhub sketch installed ? https://github.com/zegreatclan/SimHub/wiki/Arduino--Setup
The Arduino will only be recognised when it's installed.
Also do not hesitate to check the serial scan settings https://camo.githubusercontent.com/8607e5561132de11b9f482b9a35d3aef7ae9f70d/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f637337416a6e322e706e67 default is scan all ports but you may have changed it, in this case the Arduino won't be scanned at all until the serial port is enabled.
Let me know if it helped,
Best regards,
Thanks for the reply. I have tried 4 different offcial arduino nanos and cannot upload a sketch in simhub after compiling i get the following error
avrdude.evvvxe: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
Could you try to choose in the sketch setup the "new bootloader" option (in the Arduino boards model list) ? Recent official nanos requires it, but the " old bootloader" option is selected by default because it's still the most widespread version (clones ...)
I cant seem to find that option, im using the newest simhub 6.9.7, am i looking in the wrong place? Could you post a screenshot of where it is located many thanks
Are you sure you are running the latest version ?
I double-checked upgrade process and everything is properly updated including the sketch setup tool , you should have the option :
Could you try to install the latest simhub version over it ?
Thanks that worked for some reason I had to inistall the whole program complaetly and do another install works now. Many Thanks