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Can't get right colors. 🙁 Nextion 5" + PL9823 led + Pro Micro

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I've successfully combined Nextion 5", PL9823 x 16 with a Pro micro board, but the colors of PL9823 LED are not correct. I set red in Nextion Led Layout but it shows green on my device. 


Are there any ways to make PL9823 colors correspond the color setting in Simhub Nextion Led Layout?


Can't wait to get through the last step for my Cosworth ICD. Thanks.

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Hi ! The nextion sketch was made for ws2812b, you may have to adjust the leds library declarations to match your leds, PL9823 have a different timing and leds encoding, even if they are said to be ws2812b compliant, it's not totally true, it requires some code tweaking.

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Hi Wotever,


Thanks for the clue. I switched rgb value order to grb then colors are correct. Now it seems ok. thank you again.

Hope there will be 5" or 7" usb interface display on the market soon. Dash Studio is definitely much easier for changing different themes than Nextion. but now I can only choose Nextion for external dash devices with physical leds due to size concern.

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@wirklich187 can you share for Wiring? or soldering PL9823 combine with nextion display?

this my email address [email protected]

This post was modified 3 years ago by Zulian

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I also use the nextion 5" but I encountered a problem. In the simhub, the usbd480 page shows that there is no driver, but the nextion COM port is checked in the simhub. When entering the game, only the speed, speed, and gear can be displayed. The tire pressure and time score are both No data to show. Could you please send me your nextion 5" driver file. My email: [email protected]
thank you very much

This post was modified 3 years ago by zhonglouis
