first of all i need to say simhub worked perfectly before i changed cpu, motherboard and ssd on my pc.
Since these changes, i restored rf2 and the game works perfectly ( i precise i've check the files integrity via steam ).
The issue is that i can't see the overlay in game or that they are not active when i can see them. It's the case with the default overlays and with others overlays from a racedepartment pack ( rf2 simhub overlays v1.9.9 )
I use the simhub 8.02.1 that is installed in c/program(x86)
I tried to uninstall simhub and reinstall it but the process can't really achieve because one file can't be deleted because it's opened in another program. The file is called OpenHardwareMonitorLib.sys
I don't know what to do more to solve the problem.