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Constantly taking 25% CPU.

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I mentioned this on the simhub github as well but got no response.  Thought I would try here.  With SimHub running and doing nothing, task manager shows it is consuming 25% CPU.  My computer is underpowered and so that 25% is the difference between being able to use SimHub in races with 20+ cars versus not being able to.  I'm a programmer as well so if there's anything I can do to help debug this situation please let me know.

[2021-05-02 19:17:21,417] INFO - Starting SimHub v7.3.14 (build time : 17/04/2021 23:46:09)
[2021-05-02 19:17:21,418] INFO - Administrator privileges : True
[2021-05-02 19:17:21,421] INFO - OS version : Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19041.0, Windows 10.0.19041
[2021-05-02 19:17:21,422] INFO - License status : Licensed
[2021-05-02 19:17:21,422] INFO - Process priority : Normal
[2021-05-02 19:17:33,973] INFO - (Re)Starting RFactor2 Game Manager and plugin manager
[2021-05-02 19:17:33,974] INFO - Creating RFactor 2 game manager (RfactorReader.RF2Manager)
[2021-05-02 19:17:33,992] INFO - RFactor2 game manager created
[2021-05-02 19:17:34,015] INFO - Checking configuration status for RFactor2
[2021-05-02 19:17:34,075] INFO - Configuration status for RFactor2: GameConfigured
[2021-05-02 19:17:34,075] INFO - Creating plugin manager with plugins : GraphicalDashPlugin, GarySwallowDataPlugin, ShakeITBSV3Plugin
[2021-05-02 19:17:34,161] INFO - Creating SimHub.Plugins.AudioControl.AudioPlayPlugin plugin
[2021-05-02 19:17:34,163] INFO - Creating SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfosProvider plugin
[2021-05-02 19:17:34,163] INFO - Creating SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.Shell.ShellPlugin plugin
[2021-05-02 19:17:34,163] INFO - Creating SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.PersistantTracker.PersistantTrackerPlugin plugin
[2021-05-02 19:17:34,164] INFO - Creating SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.DataCore.DataCorePlugin plugin
[2021-05-02 19:17:34,164] INFO - Creating SimHub.Plugins.Web.WebPlugin plugin
[2021-05-02 19:17:34,165] INFO - Creating GarySwallow.PluginSdk.GarySwallowDataPlugin plugin
[2021-05-02 19:17:34,178] INFO - Creating SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin plugin
[2021-05-02 19:17:34,178] INFO - Creating SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITBSV3Plugin plugin
[2021-05-02 19:17:34,178] INFO - Initialising SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.DataCore.DataCorePlugin plugin
[2021-05-02 19:17:35,245] INFO - Initialising SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.SystemInfosProvider plugin
[2021-05-02 19:17:35,288] INFO - Initialising SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.PersistantTracker.PersistantTrackerPlugin plugin
[2021-05-02 19:17:35,289] INFO - Initialising GarySwallow.PluginSdk.GarySwallowDataPlugin plugin
[2021-05-02 19:17:35,344] INFO - Initialising SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITBSV3Plugin plugin
[2021-05-02 19:17:36,031] INFO - Initialising SimHub.Plugins.AudioControl.AudioPlayPlugin plugin
[2021-05-02 19:17:36,033] INFO - Initialising SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.Shell.ShellPlugin plugin
[2021-05-02 19:17:36,033] INFO - Initialising SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.GraphicalDash.GraphicalDashPlugin plugin
[2021-05-02 19:17:36,350] INFO - Loading font list
[2021-05-02 19:17:36,989] INFO - Initialising SimHub.Plugins.Web.WebPlugin plugin
[2021-05-02 19:17:37,398] INFO - Web suggested IP :
[2021-05-02 19:17:37,489] INFO - Regenerating Web font-faces
[2021-05-02 19:17:42,574] INFO - Font list loading successful
[2021-05-02 19:17:42,574] INFO - Font-faces definitions extracted successfully
[2021-05-02 19:17:42,577] INFO - Font-faces updated successfully
[2021-05-02 19:17:42,578] INFO - Plugin manager correctly initialised
[2021-05-02 19:17:42,578] INFO - Loading plugins controls
[2021-05-02 19:17:42,909] INFO - Game successfully loaded
[2021-05-02 19:17:48,244] INFO - [WatchDog] Stacks dump :
"1": [
"2": [
"3": [],
"4": [],
"5": [
"6": [],
"7": [
"8": [],
"9": [],
"10": [],
"11": [],
"12": [],
"13": [],
"14": [],
"15": [],
"16": [],
"17": [],
"18": [
"19": [
"22": [],
"23": [],
"24": [
"20": [
"26": [],
"27": [
"21": [],
"25": [
[2021-05-02 19:17:48,245] INFO - [WatchDog] Abnormal Inactivity detected
[2021-05-02 19:18:03,977] INFO - Allocating FMOD output for Speakers (USB2.0 Device)
[2021-05-02 19:18:05,267] INFO - [WatchDog] Abnormal Inactivity recovered

Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 737

Hi ! Sorry I missed your answer on GitHub, could you try without the Gary swallow plugin, it's known to consume a lot of CPU.


New Member
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 2
Topic starter  

@admin5435 Thanks so much.  I was pretty sure that with a previous simhub version with all plugins off that I still had the issue but I just tried again with 7.3.14 with the gary swallow plugin off and the cpu usage did go down to next to nothing.  Which of the overlays are going to cease to function with that plugin turned on?

Active Member
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 4


I'm in the same boat as DrTodd was.

Am running the latest v9.6.2 release, but hi-load on cpu persists. I don't have the aforementioned Gary Swallow plugin running and in fact have very few plugins running. This has only become an issue since switching from Win10 to Win 11 v.23H2.

My CPU runs 15degsC hotter with just Simhub as the only running App. It is spiking the CPU with up to 42% demand from the Simhub service alone. I have tried running it in Efficiency Mode, but that makes no diff.I've also tried disabling System Monitoring (via Afterburner), also makes no diff.

any suggestions?


This post was modified 3 months ago by yobrevar

Prominent Member Admin
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 737

Hi ! This is usually a symptoms of fake ch340g chips (on arduinos)

You can find an explanation and a fix here :

Microsoft have released a new driver in november making the situation worse (with high CPU usage)

If you can confirm it was fake chips I can only encourage you to reach the seller to get a refund or a replacement. 

Active Member
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 4


Thankyou muchly for the reply.

I have checked the chip as outlined. I'm not sure, but it kinda looks like a legit one. Please see attached.

Unfortunately the Arduino was ordered from (reputable reseller) online several years ago, so there won't be any possibility of return, if it is fake.

Just applied the fix and it works. now the CPU load & temps is back to normal.
Thanks muchly for the assist.
This post was modified 3 months ago by yobrevar
