Custom Fonts for ge...
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Custom Fonts for gear shift on 8x8 RGB Matrix?

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Hi all,

Loving Simhub. I recently got a second 8x8 flagging matrix and i want to make a custom font for the flagging matrix gear shift indication. Reason is that I want the right half or so of the matrix to be dedicated to an alongside indicator without overlapping the gearshift redline blink. Is there a way to create custom gear shift fonts like you can change the other matrix animations?


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I found a tutorial! This seems like it could be made _much_ easier by having an editor somewhere inside simhub to create your own fonts. So i guess this has now become a feature request


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Using custom fonts for gear shift indicators on an 8x8 RGB matrix can significantly enhance the visual appeal and readability of the display, making it easier for users to quickly recognize gear positions. This customization adds a unique touch to the interface, much like how a enhances the shopping experience by offering value and exclusivity.

This post was modified 8 months ago by beausconce
