Is there any way to get the driver car number to show next to their name? Thanks
I'm using @Wotever Leaderboard. It's much easier to identify a driver by car number, you can associate a name later. When you're iRacing, you look at the cars number in front of you. Their name isn't floating above them like say, Project Cars2 on PS4. When I look into editing the widget, I'm not sure what or how to add a line to achieve this? Example, if I add a text box to LBRow, I see all properties except Leaderboard. I'm at a loss here, but i know it is possible.
Any suggestions @wotever?
Hello, I've made you a version with car number in front 😉
@admin5435Â Â You are the man! Maybe I'll be able to see where I was going wrong for possible future help with others.