deconnections of CS...
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deconnections of CSW2.5 appears when i turn on my audio amplifier

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Hi guys,


First, all my driver on PC et wheel base (CSW2.5) et steering are updated.

Second , the issue appears some few days ago.It running well since november.

I've got an audio amplifier to do do some Shakelt Bass Shakers with simHub



issue :

deconnections of CSW2.5 appears when i turn on my audio amplifier. Everything running well when the amplifier is off. i've turned off any power saving stuff for USB. but nothing have changed.

This issue is only on base CSW. I 've check cable, do some check inside driver of sounds card or anything else... everything is ok.

I've unmount each component to check it alone and run it alone , everyhting is ok, and last i've change computer and the same issue appears on the second one.

If the amplier is on but audio cable is not connected , everything running well.

if i running the amplifier alone on the second computer and i run the CSW on the first computer, each component stay at his place, everything running well !!!!

CSW not like to run with my amplifier on the same computer together why !!!!

See the video,

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Hi ! 

Since it triggers when amplifier and wheel are running on the same computer and specifically when the amplifier is working (outputting sound) for me it's totally hardware related.

I would check cautiously that no shakers wires touch the metal frame (pinched wire ...), Since it's triggered when the amplifier is outputting sound it looks like some of the shaker's output is messing with the wheel. With more than 20v at the amplifier output, it's far enough to make the wheel mad in case of current leak. 

Have you tried to contact Fanatec support? Maybe they already had similar issues.



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Hello Nicolas,

Thanks for you help , I've just finish to check , i've unmount my installation but i saw nothing.

every wires are correctly mount ... i've check it again and the issue stay the same.

I can't say too if the volume is 0 ... no problem, but if i turn the volume around 25% the issue appear.

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I think it's really important to locate precisely what is causing the issue, 
What I would do :

  • Set the volume to a level where you are sure the issue is triggering
  • Then disconnect all the shakers from the amplifier 
  • Then try with amplifier on and no shakers.
  • If it helps, I would try to connect each shaker at a time and see how it goes.
  • If it doesn't help I would check if the jack to rca cable is not guilty by simply changing it.
  • If both don't help it's likely that the issue is somewhere between the wheel or the amplifier (grounding issue ...).

I'm sorry, I'm not a repairman and my knowledge is rather limited when it comes to such weird hardware issues 😀 That was the best advice I could give you.

Have you tried to contact fanatec about it ? I guess they will have some clues to troubleshoot their wheels.

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Hi Nicolas,


thanks for your help. So first 

i've check turn off , no issue.

I've check inside Device Manager, No IRQ.

I've buy a new cable two days ago, but issue has not resolve

i've replace the amplifier by my headphones and run SIMHUB , No issue

I've check in Mono each shakers , Issue with both , tested one by one separatly.

I noticed that my CSW2.5 is very sensitive about that issue because my others USB dont loose the signal like my XBOX controller or my mouse or keyboard.

I would like to say too, all theses components have run correctly for 6 months... it appears some few days ago.

And yes i post on Fanatec contact about it:


Thanks for your help

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Considering all the tests, by elimination, I think the amplifier or its adapter is guilty. Maybe a power leak ...
I've read the fanatec post answers, aside of the fantasists answers about IRQ, they seem to go in this direction too.        
