Getting smoother Ta...
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Getting smoother Tacho movement

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All, I used one of the commonly used blue lit universal tachometers for my bespoke instruments with Simhub, and it's working pretty well. The only trouble is that the movement is not as smooth as it should be, eslpecially when moving slowly it tends to move and stick quite a bit. I've checked the tacho mechanism, it's smooth and free, so it must be something else. 

Anyone else seen this? Or are there some settings I can use to improve it (I have the paid version of Simhub by the way)



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I'm using old cell phones for my Simhub Dash.  Most will handle the digital stuff just fine.  But when it comes to analog gauges my Samsung S4 struggles in exactly the way you described.  My S7 runs the analog gauges far better.  So I believe its just a motter of processing power in the device.

I've noticed if the analog gauge is rotated, that required more calculations and can tax an older device.  If you're running multiple analog gauges (tacho, oil, water, etc.), it can take more processing still.

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Ok, thanks - makes me wonder if a different Arduino would improve things, maybe a Mega? 



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@lesthegringo did you sort this out/improve the smoothness? Having similar issue here. Thanks! 
