Grid DDU5 LEDs not ...
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Grid DDU5 LEDs not connected when I created a new standard device

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Hi, ive tried to create a standard device in the devices tab, since there is no preset for my grid ddu5, and the screen and leds are in different tabs, which is annoying. when i created it, the screen connected and works, but simhub keeps searching for the leds, and cannot find them. Is there a fix for this, so the leds are found?


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Hi ! Unfortunately as far as i know the ddu5 is using a simple Arduino or at least emulates it.  The standard device requires a simplified protocol different from DIY Arduino and has some hardware requirements to make usage easier. I'm working with many manufacturers to make them match those requirements but unfortunately this model got through before I added this new "device oriented" way of doing and is using the Arduino protocol making LEDs stuck in this section.  

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@admin5435 Do you have a fix for this or can we not use the LEDs anymore? My ddu5 leds are also not working, they don’t show up in the arduino tab at all.

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@sam-baker ah ? Actually there is no particular reason that it doesn't work, the Arduino support have been unchanged. If it doesn't appear or connect it probably means there is hardware issue. Have you tried to contact grid so they can verify that ?

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@admin5435 No but I can, it’s weird the dash works fine just no LEDS

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Leds and screen are really two different USB devices just linked by an internal USB hub, the hub and scren can still work while leds are not. Currently very few hardware acts as a proper AIO device (leds+screen) most of them are just leds + screen joined with a hub.
