Help with SLI-F1 Si...
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Help with SLI-F1 Simelation

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Hi all. I was using a Bodnar SLI-F1 in iRacing with SimHub and the Simelation plugin. I was using it only for rev lights, shift indicator, and lap time brake bias etc. (not joystick) and it worked great until Windows crashed. I had to do a re-install of Windows and of course re-installed SimHub and Simelation.

Now I can't get rev lights or any telemetry. The SLI connects and I get the "Sim-Hub" LED welcome message and can edit that message. Other SimHub dashes are getting telemetry. I've done a bunch of troubleshooting that I can describe if needed, including uninstall / re-install of SimHub Simelation.

The system log gives the following repeating error:

ERROR - System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Double SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Dash.TemplatingCommon.NCalcEngineBase.ParseValueOrDefault(SimHub.Plugins.OutputPlugins.Dash.GLCDTemplating.ExpressionValue, Double)'.
   at SimElation.Simhub.SliPlugin.Led.ProcessGameData(NCalcEngineBase ncalcEngine, Int64 blinkIntervalMs)
   at SimElation.Simhub.SliPlugin.ManagedDevice.ProcessGameData(PluginManager pluginManager, NormalizedData normalizedData)
   at SimElation.Simhub.SliPlugin.SliPlugin.DataUpdate(PluginManager pluginManager, GameData& gameData)
   at SimHub.Plugins.PluginManager.<>c__DisplayClass220_1.<manager_DataUpdated>b__0()
   at SimHub.Plugins.PluginManager.ExecUpdate(PluginInstance plugin, Action a)


I have tried searching / looking for duplicate files, and specifically duplicate .dll files without luck. If anyone has any suggestions I'm all ears. Thanks!!!

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Anyone out there know how to get in touch with the developer? I believe he goes by Lukester 1975 on another forum. But that forum requires a paid subscription which I'd rather not do at this point (maybe I'll have to if I don't get this solved)
