Help with wind simu...
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[Solved] Help with wind simulator

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Hello all, 

A complete noob here, I've set up a wind simulator using monster Moto shield, and two 2.7A fans

I acknowledge that I've done a poor soldering job, but it did work for a few days (fans worked fine spun up/down with car speed)
But all of a sudden it stopped working (fans no longer spins), and I'm having a hard time troubleshooting.

The shield itself seems to be receiving power, the power led is on, and I can see that it's getting 12v using multimeter 
However both motor leds no longer lights up (as they previously were) 

Looking at the motor output while idle it seems motor 1 is receiving 0.8v (800 Milliampere) while motor 2 is getting 50 Milliampere, not sure if this normal or indicative of a problem

Any advice on how to check/troubleshoot would be appreciated


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I've redone the soldering and now it works again 

I guess something got disconnected.

