i2c screen how add ...
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i2c screen how add button for next screen?

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i have one i2c screen 20x4

runing by arduino nano without problem

but i dont know how setup button for switching screen? (like if i setup more i2c screens - similar if i setup more 7seg displays in one row)


i setuped button for changing screens in main lines so its change setups.. but i dont want it

[img] [/img]

[img] [/img]

This topic was modified 4 years ago 2 times by truckercech

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Hi !Β 

It is not possible in this direction,

The main list shows screens, this is what is getting switched by using the next/previous screens actions. The second list you are trying to use is "modules" it's getting used when you have more than a single text module plugged to your Arduino, since you have only a single module you can only use the first one.

When you add a new screen you can choose if you will able to use it in a particular game, and if it must be accessible (with next and previous) when you are in game or out of the game (using the checkboxes on top of the screen editor)

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ok.... i seeΒ  videos where its working but its standart arduino code... not over your simhub..thats sad πŸ™Β 

anyway...in main selection which i can switch...it will be nice to have ,,groups" of setups and activate them for each game... for example i setup groups for ets where i can switch layouts on screen.... and another group of setups screen for rallly game or racing etc....tip for improve πŸ˜‰Β  and just tick box like ,,activate" or somethink like that..... coz now i have to setup many layouts....manage them as ,,order matter" and switch screens between them..... thats frustrating....so you have idea what to improve...but anyway...thanks for your software πŸ˜‰Β 

also....my question...where is list of codes? for example i want on rgb led show lights like low beaM/off ..turn signal lights, parking brake light etc.... i didnt find any list to put into ,,custom formulas status led" .... thanks for info
