JavaScript N00b! Eq...
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JavaScript N00b! Equating time to finish stage?

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So I'm not a coder but having tried to fathom out this I'm lost... I figured by taking the Estimated Stage Time and subtracting the current stage time I could have 'time until stage complete' time. (Why I hear you ask? so that I can have an iPad displaying this outside my spare room door to not be disrupted by my wife and children mid rally stage in Dirt Rally 2.0!)


vi was hoping the following would work: BUT SADLY NOT


Estimate = ($prop('PersistantTrackerPlugin.EstimatedLapTime') - $prop('DataCorePlugin.GameData.NewData.CurrentLapTime'));

return vEstimate


What does it need to be to do what I require?


Thanks for your help.

This topic was modified 4 years ago by Palendrone

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you have to convert the timespans to seconds before doing math with them. And back again if needed.
Try this:

Estimate = secondstotimespan(timespantoseconds($prop('PersistantTrackerPlugin.EstimatedLapTime')) - timespantoseconds($prop('DataCorePlugin.GameData.NewData.CurrentLapTime')));

return Estimate;

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Thank you for the great answer Romainrob. Just tried this and it works perfectly :0) 

Romainrob reacted