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Leaderboard CarModel shows CarId

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Hi there,

The property says "LeaderboardOpponentCarModelText" but on 2nd/test screen it is presented like a "LeaderboardOpponentCarIdText". My results on v8.0.4:

Game   Property Value Conclusion
AC [CarId] ks_porsche_cayman_gt4_clubsport  
  [CarModel] Porsche Cayman GT4 Clubsport  
  LeaderboardOpponentCarModelText   ks_porsche_cayman_gt4_clubsport   [CarId] is presented on 2nd screen
ACC [CarId] lamborghini_huracan_st  
  [CarModel] lamborghini_huracan_st  
  LeaderboardOpponentCarModelText   Car Model "empty" is presented on 2nd screen
RF2 [CarId] Oreca 07  
  [CarModel] Oreca 07  
  LeaderboardOpponentCarModelText   Oreca 07 [CarId] is presented on 2nd screen.
  • It seems CarModel would be the preferred one, as it generally gives a nicer text format.
  • Strangly ACC presents no data on 2nd/test screen at all, but it does show a value when you load the property. But this is a seperate issue.

Is there a solution for this? Can I adjust the way Simhub treats "LeaderboardOpponentCarModelText" to use CarID? I couldn't find anything in the GUI. I prefer not using plugins, because I'm making a default Simhub leaderboard. If I'm doing something wrong, then of course I would like to know how to improve.


Thank you,

