I have ws2812b LEDs in a new steering wheel I built. For some reason when I try to program them in the RGB editor they don't light up for RPMs. However they work for everything else I've tried to add like yellow flag indication and DRS activation. When I turn the RPMs up in the test data editor nothing happens, and same thing happens in game as well. Any ideas why this is happening?
Hi ! If everything else works It's likely to be an issue with the Rpms effects settings. Do you have a screenshot ? You can also reset the effect settings but hovering the title, there will be action buttons appearing including one to reset the effect.
I tried to redo the settings but it still doesn't work. I couldn't add a screenshot but here is what I have for the first 5 LEDs (there's 22 total, 3 on each side then 16 on the top):
Start Position: 4
Led Count: 5
Start/ End color: green
Use current color for all leds OFF
Use dimming ON
RPM mode: RPM
Min RPM: 11050
Max RPM: 11350
Game is F1 2020
Hi strange i jsut tested with this and it works :
Concerning the test data not working, it's normal it simulates an average 0-8000rpm car, so it will never enter in such an high range, are you sure the current car can reach such an high value. I can't remember all f12020 cars specificities, maybe the classic are a bit lower ?
Another clue, on a mordern f1 the settings you sent works, so I would think maybe the game telemetry does not works ? Can you check using this guide ? https://github.com/SHWotever/SimHub/wiki/SimHub-Basics----Games-config-and-troubleshooting
@admin5435 Yes, the game is configured correctly. I have another wheel with lights that work perfectly for RPMs that I built a few months ago. And like I said earlier, all of the other effects seem to be working with this setup
That's really weird, does it works with a more permissive 0 to 13000rpms for instance ?
Maybe another idea. What is the brightness ? Very low values might shut off some colours.
@admin5435 I guess the only problem was with the tester. I used a lower RPM and it lit up, and higher rpms worked in game now too somehow. Thank you!