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Simhub General
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12/02/2021 12:20 pm
Hello, I am already a veteran with simhub but until now I am not going to put motors for vibration with simhub, I already have several motors and servos working but not with Simhub ...
I plan to put 8 motors under the pedal board, 2 in pedals, 1 in manual gears and another inside the steering wheel extender, that would be 12 in total, with arduino1 and 3 adafruit.
My question is ... can I put another arduino1 + adafruit for more motors, fans?
I imagine that if I name the second arduino1 differently, I won't have a problem, but I don't know if Simhub has support for more than 12 engines? I use version 6.7.8 which suits me very well.
thanks and regards.
12/02/2021 12:34 pm
Hi ! No currently shakeit is limited to a grand total of 12motors/fans :
Topic starter
12/02/2021 7:25 pm
Thanks, but I don't think I asked the right question, it would be ... can I connect 2 arduino1 and 6 adafruit to have 24 independent channels? Could you get telemetry to move small servos with Arduino or another?
20/01/2024 6:01 am
Hi bro can you tell me how can you add vibration motor inside the wheel