New LED editor ques...
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New LED editor question

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have a question regarding to the new LED editor in simhub. 
I can’t get the effect that I was able to get in old veraion...

I want to turn on and keep light up all LEDs at once in between 85-100% of rpms... Now I can only turn on all LEDs one by one in this range of rpms. 

Could someon explain a little bit the new editor?

This topic was modified 5 years ago by martinvega

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Hi !

Actually it means you simply want to light it above 85%,

If you set min and max to 85% it will light all leds at once at the same time starting from  85% :

Basically it means starts to fill leds above 85% and "light all leds" when you reach 85%, so everything will light up at once.

You can also take the "custom way", by custom status leds : a single color on/off effect, driven by a formula : 

Let me know if it helped,

Best regards, Nicolas




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Thanks Nicolas

I want to create a followig layout for 8 LEDs: 

80-85% - LEDs 1-3 - green

85-90% - LEDs 4-6 - yellow

90-93% - LEDs 7-8 - red

93-95% - LEDs 1-8 - blue - all at once

95-100% -LEDs 1-8 - blinking blue


could you show how it should looks?

Thank you in advance! 

Best regards, Martin


This post was modified 5 years ago by martinvega

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Posted by: @martinvega

Thanks Nicolas

I want to create a followig layout for 8 LEDs: 

80-85% - LEDs 1-3 - green

85-90% - LEDs 4-6 - yellow

90-93% - LEDs 7-8 - red

93-95% - LEDs 1-8 - blue - all at once

95-100% -LEDs 1-8 - blinking blue


could you show how it should looks?

Thank you in advance! 

Best regards, Martin


Hi ! You can follow my previous answer,

rpm from 80 to 80 green on leds 1-3

rpm from 85 to 90 yellow on leds 4-6 ...


rpm from 95 to 100 blue on all leds 

Set the redline in car settings to 95 to make it blink at 95%


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Posted by: @admin5435

Hi !

Actually it means you simply want to light it above 85%,

If you set min and max to 85% it will light all leds at once at the same time starting from  85% :

Basically it means starts to fill leds above 85% and "light all leds" when you reach 85%, so everything will light up at once.

You can also take the "custom way", by custom status leds : a single color on/off effect, driven by a formula : 

Let me know if it helped,

Best regards, Nicolas




Dear wotever. I need help. I have the full version of the sim hub. Lately I had installed a version that was not the latest (6.8 ..., I don't remember badly) but in it I had my rpm LEDs edited with different lights and travel positions. Best of all, with a button on the panel of my steering wheel I could change the color modes and positions of the rpm lights as I had created it with the editor. If I remember correctly it was commanded with the event command called serialpluginnextled, or something like that. The problem is that I have updated to the latest version and not only that it has deleted my rmp editions, but also that I cannot find the function I am talking about. That is to say that with a button I can no longer change the lights or the position of the rmp. This option is no longer available? or what should be done to achieve this end?
The software is awesome.
Thank you. Daniel.-

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Posted by: @danielwrc


Hi !

Indeed, the new editor has been available for about one year but it differs totally from the old one and it was not possible to "migrate" the old settings to the new editor. That's why I left about one year to make the switch which I hoped would be enough (there was an information header asking to switch to the new editor). 

The new editor does not have the profile switch anymore as profiles are not ordered like the old was, it's now oriented on more automatic ways like game conditions, car conditions etc, so instead of loading a profile for each need you can configure it to display what you want. Selected profile is also save automatically on a per game basis and is restored each time the game is changed.

I will look to add a switch control 😉 it's not complex, the only limitation is about profiles ordering

Ps : I have received your email this night, but I did not had time to reply it yet 😉 but it's done here 😀

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Thanks for replying wotever. The function of only changing with a button the different colors of lights and sense of them (right to left, from the sides to the center, etc.) was an excellent feature that the software had. I ask you please can you implement it again. I'll be very greatful. It is more fun and when you get bored with a color and position of the led, you simply change the mode with a button. That was fantastic 😀 .
From already thank you very much! 👍 
