Nextion with arduin...
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Nextion with arduino

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Just readed documentation and peeked forum topics, but I didn't find answer.

I've arduino micro and nextion display. Are there pnp or near pnp solutions for controlling nextion throught arduino?

I'm working on wheel project, and my plan is to fit arduino micro and nextion display in that wheel. Micro will appear as hid device at pc and can be used as gamecontroller very easy, but i would like to control that nextion too with that arduino.

Appreciate your help!



Prominent Member Admin
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Hi ! Yes it's possible, it's the 3rd link in the nextion section :


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Thank you very much for fast support! Somehow missed that section of wiki 😵 . This helps much to progress my project.

SimHub is awesome and it's pleasure to donate to help developers.



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@admin5435 I read it is exclusively for PRO MICRO due to the chip (ATMEGA32U4), but is there any other one that would work too for a bigger board? i had a design originally planned for arduino MEGA2560 but would be great if i don't need an additional ITT board as well as a USB hub cramped into a wheel

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Anything with ATMEGA32U4, it's the only chip having embedded serial to usb capability for high performance error free serial communication, all other arduino chips uses external serial to usb chip, which are slower and subject to transmission errors at high speed.

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thanks for your quick reply!  I have finally got the micro to work with nextion and it is looking great!  I am wondering do you plan to put the nextion code into the arduino setup wizard?  it is quite confusing to disect the nextion sketches and try to cut and paste it into the arduino sketch generated by the simhub wizard
