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Only Two Channels Available

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I'm just setting up 4 corner base shakers but can't get SimHub to recognize four channels.

-I have an external usb sound card for which I've downloaded the drivers (although the website says the current driver is 1.04 and after installing my computer lists it as Reloaded, no difference. (On the Devices window all of the Update/Disable/etc Driver buttons are greyed out, so can't update there). 

-SimHub has the following notification: "This output is your windows default output, it's strongly recommended to use a dedicated output/sound car." But as I've mentioned I have an external sound card.

-If I unplug my USB external sound card then 'Speakers (USB SOUND DEVICE)' is no longer listed under OUTPUT SELECTION in SumHub, so it's seeing the device, just not all the channels (it's 5.1/7.1).

I have some screenshots but don't see how to add here.

Thanks very much for any assistance. 

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Hi !

The number of available channels reflects the windows audio settings, you need to change it in windows sound settings as shown here :

Concerning the main sound card warning it's just detecting which sound card is currently configured as default in windows. It's just a warning to remind you to set back windows to your usual sound card for Windows/sounds output. Windows tends to automatically switch any new output as default sound device and you need to manually switch back to your usual one. 




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Hi Nicolas

Thanks very much for this info, it did the job. I used 7.1 so it now shows 8 channels and I used front and rear plugs and channels 1,2 and 5,6 (I mention in case that's not the best way to do it). btw that warning disappeared. 

One other question: Do transducers resonate at varying frequencies defined by the sim, or at constant frequencies defined by SimHub? i.e. if the wheel is going over an undulating curb, do the ribs on the curb define the frequency of the vibration the transducers generates, or do they generate the frequency set in Base Effects Frequency under Road Rumble in SimHub? 

Thanks again!  
