Overlays not workin...
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Overlays not working in ACC, but fine in others

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Created an overlay layout with transparent rpm lights, radar and gear indicator. Works great with PC2 and AMS2 but in ACC I have to Alt+Enter to get anything to appear and then all that appears is the N gear indicator which never changes. Lights and radar do not show up at all.

Created the gear indicator myself. radar was originally Radar 1.1 from ochannn and Rev lights from RSC (@Romainrob I believe?). Simhub says game is properly configured.

any help would be much appreciated

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Hi ! Can you make sure that the game is configured in borderless mode ? (In graphics settings) it is required to let simhub draw windows over the game. In case it's configured in full screen the graphics card won't let any window show over it. 

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Yes, -borderless in steam properties and Fullscreen disabled in in the game under video options. I had Fullscreen enabled before your reply, now I don't need to ALT + Enter to see the gear overlay but it still does not change gears, just stays on N. No sign of the rev lights or radar still.

Thanks, I really appreciate your reply
