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Pokornyie Engineering RALLY LEDs not working anymore

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After not having used my PE Rally wheel for a while, I went for a drive the other day. To my surprise the LEDs on the wheel are no longer working in SIMHUB. These are the indications:

- I know the electrical part is ok, as the LEDs light up in the test pattern after I plug the USB into my computer. 

- Under SimHub Arduino it is detected properly and shows "Connected" in in green using COM4.

- But under Devices in SimHub the wheel is not detected and has a constant message saying "Searching for device..." The LED presets do nothing to the LEDs on the wheel, and none of the settings seam to do anything either.

- I have tried to connect the wheel to my office computer as well,a s that dos not have any other COM port devices, to try and eliminate COM port conflicts. On that computer the only COM ports in use are COM4 (The PE wheel) and COM1. Still same issue.

- PE RALLY wheel is on Firmware version v1.1 according to the device information page on the arduino page in SimHub.


Anybody have any helps or ideas as to what to try?
