Hi, guys, I've been having some troubles with my shake it motors project.
I'm using an arduino uno r3 with a motor shield L293D with 4 12V 6500RPM motors and an external power.
The effects I'm using are:
Gear Shift
Road Rumble
Wheel Slip
all in 100%
What's going on is: after every 2 or 3 minutes all the motors work at max power for some seconds and them the arduino restarts. In simhub logs says this:
11:03:06.302 INFO Arduino update is currently very late, check for parasites/EMI causes, USB cable, USB HUB, USB port, external power
11:03:12.249 ERROR Closing arduino SimHub Dash@COM6 : reason System.TimeoutException: The operation has timed out.
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.SynchronizeUpTo(Int32 aheadDatagrams)
at ArqSerialLib.ArqSerial.FlushOutcoming(Boolean all)
at SerialDash.SerialDashController.Send(Byte[] customMessage, Boolean capture)
11:03:12.249 INFO Arduino performance report for SimHub Dash@COM6 : Packetsize= 16, Packetbuffer = 1, SentDatagramsCount = 4359, FailedCount = 0, ReemitedCount = 61, ReemitedDuetoWait = 61, Current ahead = 1
11:03:12.249 INFO Arduino performance report for SimHub Dash@COM6 : Packetsize= 16, Packetbuffer = 1, SentDatagramsCount = 4359, FailedCount = 0, ReemitedCount = 61, ReemitedDuetoWait = 61, Current ahead = 1
at first I thought it would be power problem because I was using a 12V 2A power supply, then I changed to a 12v 5A and the problem still occurs
I'm not connecting the USB cable to a hub, it's directly connected to the computer USB port but I'm not using the cable that came with the arduino because it's too short.
Edit: tried with the cable that came with arduino and tried in a differente USB port...same problem, I'm out of ideas
Can someone help me discover what's going on?
Thanks, guys
Hi, i have same problema, have u resolve this?