PWM fan control and...
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PWM fan control and regular Fan control

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I've got a question about my windsim.
2PWM fans are connected through an ARDUINO UNO. Working perfect.
I'd liked to add a third fan, for constant ventilation, and wonder how to do that.

I choose 3 fans in the windsim (PMW) arduino module but all the fans I've got laying around are 3PINS.
So I guess they cannot work due the PWM.

I've also got a motorshield laying around, unused.
Can I combine those two?
So The arduino, which is needed to control the motorshield, together with the motorshield.
More specific, The arduino powers the PWM fans and the motorshield powers the third fan.
Or is it easier to buy a 3th PWM controlled fan?

I've got no knowledge in Arduino whatsover. I only used it in combination with SimHub.
And until now everything hanging on my Sim works perfect.


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Hi it's better not to mix shields and direct connection as they may not work correctly together. Since the Uno can only drive two pwm fans (,   one option is to add another Arduino using the shield and your actual DC (3pins) fans, or add a Uno with another pwm fan, as you want 😉 simhub will allow to connect to both Arduinos by following the multiple Arduino instructions : (The screenshot have not been updated yet but the procces and the buttons are the same)

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Thank you for the fast response.
I'm not trying to be a cheapshot but are only 'real' ARDUINO's compatible?
Or can I use 'imitation' also?
- -

For instance, this one.
This is one I can have from a coworker for free.
If it's not compatible, no problem then but I don't want to damage my PC with other hardware.

This post was modified 3 years ago by HLLPCK51

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Hola, quizás sea un poco tarde para contestar, pero si aun le interesa hacerlo, se puede hacer sin problemas con 1 solo arduino y 4 ventiladores, pero siempre que no rebase la barrera de 3 amp de consumo. Yo tengo 2 de 1 amp grandes y 2 pequeños de 0.4 y sin problemas, 2 dedicados al simulador de viento y 2 fijos para ventilar el propio arduino. Si le interesa aun el tema, dígamelo por aquí y se lo explico con mas detalle.



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Thanks so much!
