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rFactor 2 recorded telemetry replays are not playing in real time

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Hi All,

Having a strange issue where the telemetry I record during a race is playing back way too fast when I use an overlay (TV style position tracker) on top of a replay.

I've confirmed my playback speed is set to 1x but there seems to be about 2-2.5 seconds passing in the telemetry replay data for every one real world second, which is causing my TV overlay to be completely out of sync with what's going on on screen.

I'm only having this problem with rFactor 2, has anyone had a similar issue and know what may fix it?

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Hi ! Indeed acquired frames are not time marked, replays were originally intended to be able to quick tune/view features inside simhub (bass shaker, dash ...), so perfect time sync was not a requirement. But if you have such a difference  it means simhub was struggling to acquire data, maybe an heavy dash/plugin was running ?

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I was running two phones at the time, one with a simple lap time counter/delta, and the included motec dash.

I was having the same problem before when just running the simple lap time counter. I could try without any dashes running and see, however when I was recording telemetry for AC it seemed to be pretty accurate on playback (but I was playing in VR and was running no other dashes at the time, too)

Edit: I should probably mention that I downloaded one of the rf2 replay files from the forums here, and encountered the same issue, roughly 2-4 seconds passing on the overlay using the telemetry data for every one real world second.

Edit 2: I just reloaded some old AC replay files and the same problem is persisting, but for this one it's doing a 54 second lap in 8 real world seconds.

I didn't have this problem when I was running it at 10fps before I upgraded, is there any way I can manually lower the telemetry fps capture?

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Jebstone
