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Shakeit bass shaker - connection error

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Hi there, I have that issue! In the SOUND OUTPUT menu of shakeit bass shaker mode simhub does not connect to my sound card which is properly working to speakers. Reinstalled simhub, drivers of my new motherboard (after an upgrade) asus z490 tuf... i'm getting crazy with that... any tips to solve it?

Thanks in forward!!!


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Hi !

If there is a connection error it means something is going wrong when the audio library is trying to connect to the device,

Do you have some specific errors in the log ?

I would try to clean any unconnected audio devices in device manager (in the menu you can show unconnected devices), uncheck " allow exclusive usage " in the audio device properties in case something tries to use it in exclusive mode (maybe something like voicemeeter etc...), Then reboot. Depending of your mother board and device capability sometimes the back output is disabled by system when there is something connected to the front case panel (leading to a connection error) , maybe it's simply that.

Unfortunately, it's a bit hard to give specific instructions, such connection errors happens at system level, so it's hard to give an explicit error message above the fact that the audio device couldn't be connected. When it's happening it leads to trial and error to solve it πŸ™

Have you been able to use any other audio application (even music) on this output ? It's worth a test in order to know if the issue is concerning any application.


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Hello, I am experiencing the exact same problem as the user above. Do you know if there was a resolution. Everything has been working fine for me until today.Β 


These events keep filling up the error log, as if a connectiohn is trying and failing:


2021-04-30 18:15:36,940] INFO - Disposing FMOD output for Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[2021-04-30 18:15:36,957] INFO - Allocating FMOD output for Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[2021-04-30 18:15:36,970] ERROR - Can't connect to output System.Exception: ERR_OUTPUT_INIT
at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.Settings.Audio.Core.FModOutput.Check(RESULT res)
at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.Settings.Audio.Core.FModOutput.FindDriver(String deviceId, Int32& systemRate, Int32& channels)
at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.Settings.Audio.Core.FModOutput.Configure()


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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I was experiencing this issue as well after a Realtek driver update to v6.0.8960.1 and was able to find a solution.

In Control Panel > Sound, open the properties for the analog speaker output of the sound card. Under Advanced, make sure that "Enable audio enhancements" is unchecked. Once this setting is applied Simhub should successfully connect to the output.

Hopefully this works for others who are experiencing the issue.

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Posted by: @sebastalona



Hello, I am experiencing the exact same problem as the user above. Do you know if there was a resolution. Everything has been working fine for me until today.Β 


These events keep filling up the error log, as if a connectiohn is trying and failing:


2021-04-30 18:15:36,940] INFO - Disposing FMOD output for Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[2021-04-30 18:15:36,957] INFO - Allocating FMOD output for Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[2021-04-30 18:15:36,970] ERROR - Can't connect to output System.Exception: ERR_OUTPUT_INIT
at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.Settings.Audio.Core.FModOutput.Check(RESULT res)
at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.Settings.Audio.Core.FModOutput.FindDriver(String deviceId, Int32& systemRate, Int32& channels)
at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.Settings.Audio.Core.FModOutput.Configure()


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I am getting the exact same issue all of a sudden with the same error log as you. Did you get this sorted out, does anyone know how to fix this, it is killing me!

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@markdanyo I legitimately just registered for this site after reading your advice and wanting to say THANK YOU! Your suggestion worked perfectly. Thank you for making me not hate this software right off the bat. lol

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I know this is a bit old but all of sudden today I am experiencing the same issue with one of my bass shakers.Β  I have three nobsound amps, connected to 2 bst-1 bass shakers each and two of the setups work fine but the third shows the above error when output is enabled.Β  The most confusing part is when I enable the troubled output, it partially errors on one of the others (at least it shows connection error AND connnected in SimHub).Β  I have done the usual troubleshooting, restarting, reinstalling, replacing cables, swapping usb ports, etc, but cannot get this one setup Rear Shakers to work correctly.Β  These have worked flawlessly up until today.Β  Any advice?

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I tried uploading the log but it failed so here's what I am seeing:Β 

[2022-12-11 11:15:53,201] ERROR - Can't connect to output System.Exception: ERR_OUTPUT_INIT
at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.Settings.Audio.Core.FModOutput.Check(RESULT res)
at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.Settings.Audio.Core.FModOutput.FindDriver(String deviceId, Int32& systemRate, Int32& channels)
at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.Settings.Audio.Core.FModOutput.Configure()
[2022-12-11 11:15:55,207] INFO - Disposing FMOD output for Rear Shakers (USB2.0 Device)
[2022-12-11 11:15:55,207] INFO - Disposing FMOD output for Front Shakers (4- USB2.0 Device)
[2022-12-11 11:15:55,324] INFO - Allocating FMOD output for Front Shakers (4- USB2.0 Device)
[2022-12-11 11:15:55,645] INFO - Allocating FMOD output for Rear Shakers (USB2.0 Device)
[2022-12-11 11:15:55,655] INFO - Output reset after event : FMOD.StringWrapperERR_OUTPUT_INIT ERROR at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.Settings.Audio.Core.FModOutput.CallBackHandler(IntPtr systemraw, SYSTEM_CALLBACK_TYPE type, IntPtr commanddata1, IntPtr commanddata2, IntPtr userdata)
at FMOD.System.FMOD5_System_GetDriverInfo(IntPtr system, Int32 id, IntPtr name, Int32 namelen, Guid& guid, Int32& systemrate, SPEAKERMODE& speakermode, Int32& speakermodechannels)
at FMOD.System.getDriverInfo(Int32 id, String& name, Int32 namelen, Guid& guid, Int32& systemrate, SPEAKERMODE& speakermode, Int32& speakermodechannels)
at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.Settings.Audio.Core.FModOutput.FindDriver(String deviceId, Int32& systemRate, Int32& channels)
at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.Settings.Audio.Core.FModOutput.Configure()
at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.Settings.Audio.Core.FModOutput..ctor(AudioChannelSettings output)
at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.Settings.Audio.SoundOutputManager.AllocateOutput(AudioChannelSettings output)
at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.Settings.OutputManagerBase`1.AllocateOutputs(List`1 outputs)
at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.Settings.OutputManagerBase`1.EffectUpdate(Double globalGain, IEnumerable`1 effects)
at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.ShakeITV3PluginBase`1.DataUpdate(PluginManager pluginManager, GameData& data)
at SimHub.Plugins.PluginManager.<>c__DisplayClass220_1.<manager_DataUpdated>b__0()
at SimHub.Plugins.PluginManager.ExecUpdate(PluginInstance plugin, Action a)
at SimHub.Plugins.PluginManager.manager_DataUpdated(GameData data, IGameManager manager)
at GameReaderCommon.DataUpdatedDelegate.Invoke(GameData data, IGameManager manager)
at GameReaderCommon.GameManagerBase`3.SendDataUpdatedEvent()
at GameReaderCommon.GameManagerBase`3.PollLoop(Object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
at GameReaderCommon.GameLoop.MainLoop()
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

[2022-12-11 11:15:55,656] ERROR - Can't connect to output System.Exception: ERR_OUTPUT_INIT
at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.Settings.Audio.Core.FModOutput.Check(RESULT res)
at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.Settings.Audio.Core.FModOutput.FindDriver(String deviceId, Int32& systemRate, Int32& channels)
at SimHub.Plugins.DataPlugins.ShakeItV3.Settings.Audio.Core.FModOutput.Configure()
[2022-12-11 11:15:57,657] INFO - Disposing FMOD output for Rear Shakers (USB2.0 Device)
[2022-12-11 11:15:57,657] INFO - Disposing FMOD output for Front Shakers (4- USB2.0 Device)
[2022-12-11 11:15:57,778] INFO - Allocating FMOD output for Front Shakers (4- USB2.0 Device)

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Lastly, I have checked and ensured that the enhanced audio effects is unchecked.Β  I'm at a loss πŸ™

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Did you ever get it sorted. Yesterday all was fine today simhub won't recognize my two usd sound cards . Windows 10 sends test signal to the 4 shakers ok. Any thoughts , thanks


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@bjc1 I resolved mine by reseating my usb sound cards and restarting my pc. Not sure what the issue was except maybe my audio was transferred to the external usb sound cards instead of my internal when booting up. Sorry I couldn’t be more help.

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I just had this issue pop up again and wanted to reach back out and share what I did to resolve it.Β  If you have any of your shakers connected via a usb hub you may occasionally see that the usb location(?) IDs will change as the hub is disconnected and reconnected.Β  I have found that this happens (moving around the hub, cleaning, whatever), when I connect the noobsound usb cards back in, the shakers become new "speakers" in windows.Β  When opening SimHub and heading to the shakers tab, you will no longer see you previously configured 'shakers' or they will be displayed as 'disconnected'.Β  I have found that if I completely forget the disconnected speakers, reseat the usb connections, restart simhub and remap my shakers via importing the config, they will work again.Β  If I try to reconfigure the 'new speakers' before removing the disconnected ones, I get all sorts of conflicts when the application tries to initialize them.Β  Not sure if this is a fool-proof method but wanted to share what I have done over the past few times with my setup.Β  Feel free to reach out for additional information or clarification.Β  Hope this helps anyone that runs into this issue in the future!Β  Cheers!

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Yeah, after 2yrs of sinking untold hours of troubleshooting into running an excessive number of audio outputs from a single PC, I have learned two things well:

  1. Windows USB drivers and driver management--particularly for cheap/generic devices using either stock MS drivers or sketchy *.inf files the manufacture sends you to megaupload/rapidshare/random-gdrive or dropbox link to download--is a complete crapshow. Even without ever disconnecting or ever power-cycling the devices, windows update alone is enough to silently nuke your setup with no warning or red flags. So far Simhub has not been the root cause even once, but just another casualty of whatever new fuckery Windows got up to with the USB/audio device drivers and their corresponding Windows config.
    Go and download Driverstore Explorer and USBDeview and start using them. Those two tools along with the Windows event log are your best friends next time an OS update or a simple system reboot decides to rearrange all your audio devices and kick off a fresh round of driver conflict hell where you learn which of your USB hubs are capable of running an audio device and an Arduino and which hubs of identical model will disconnect your handbrake and re-order all your audio devices if you reboot your PC while a USB sound card is plugged into the same hub as your handbrake.
  2. Β The second thing I learned... was that I should really throw some old components together in a cheap mATX case and move all media playback duties and that fistful of connected devices to a dedicated HTPC.

An AV receiver, GPU HDMI audio out, GPU Displayport audio out, multiple DACs in my 2.1ch/headphone desktop gear stack, several UPnP networked audio devices all in addition to the 3x cheap 2ch USB DAC/soundcards & 7.1ch USB sound card running the various transducers & bass shakers running for Simhub is, in all fairness, a bit much to ask of a single SFF desktop PC build with only an ITX motherboard worth of USB headers...
