Shaking Motors / Ar...
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Shaking Motors / Arduino motors connected only a few times / No reason / Help please

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Hello, after some weeks looking for a solution would like to ask for help here.

I have trouble connecting or detecting the shaking motors (Arduino Uno + 3 motorshileds V2). They use to work without a problem but, now they only work once in a while.

I'm using SRS (Sim Racing Studio) for motion and SimHub (Licenced) for transducers (6) and shaking motors (12). The transducers are controlled by 3 USB soundcards, 2 connected to a 4 channel amp and the other one to a 2 channel amp.

No problem with transducers, they work always. The shacking motors, once I start sim hub I click on output and is almost always show 0 motors connected, from time to time, without any reason the appear connected and they do work, sometimes (once in a while, when they work) they are disconnected without any reason.

Sound cards are connected to a USB hub, while the Arduino is connected directly to one of the USB ports of the PC.

SRS is connected directly to another USB port.

Arduino and the motor shields use their own power source (only Uno from the PC), they are on a plastic enclosure and they are never moved, they are away from the rig and the motion of the rig cant affect the connections of the Arduino Uno and Motorshileds.

I was using an old version of SimHub, X.3.XX, a few days ago I upgraded or installed the latest version, and no changes.. all the same, motors are detected once every 5 or 6 reboots of the PC.

SRS is also on its latest version, Fanatec stuff with the latest firmware and drivers. Games: AC, ACC, PC2, Kartkraft, AMS2.

Hope someone could guide me with a possible solution or idea to check it, its weird because sometimes without any reason it work..


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Hi ! 
Based on the symptoms I see two potentatial causes :

- Serial port conflicts between apps, this one is easy to spot, in simhub scan log you will see "already in use" in the scan log :

In this case it means another app is already using the serial port , the goal is to find it, it could be SRS, i don't know how this specific software works.

- If in the scan log you can see "unrecognised" along your arduino serial port, or if the arduino connects then quickly disconnects, it's likely to be an hardware issue. Adafruit Motor shield v2 is a bit sneaky when faulty as it often "locks" the arduino and prevents connection. To test that you can entirely remove the shields from the arduino and see how the connection behaves, if it's stable then plug back each shield one by one until you spot the faulty one. 

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Been doing some tests. I Installed SimHub in my notebook and all shields work, test them for a while, and never get disconnected.

Search under the Arduino menu, and there were only 3 COM ports used: 3, 12, and 13. No hardware detected. I try changing Arduino from one USB port to another one (from the motherboard to a PCIe expansion hub -7 USB 3.0-) and COM 14 is there now and the hardware is detected. Capture 3.

I unplugged the WITMotion Sensor and the Thanos controller and the devices that are under use never changed, so I guess that the problem is not SRS?

I have tested the USB port  where the Arduino was connected before and it works (Keyboard and mouse)


After a while, all was disconnected... Capture 4, then I change the USB port back to one of the mainboard, and... Capture 5.


This is like a gremlin is inside my PC


I attached the images, but don't know how to paste them.



This post was modified 4 years ago 3 times by RoloFuentes
